Posts by Matthias Altwegg
Impulse evening in the seetal chile with Peter Schneeberger
In Zeiten von YouTube, Podcasts und Onlinepredigten werden Christen mehr denn je mit unterschiedlichen theologischen Ansichten konfrontiert. Wie sollen wir mit diesen verschiedenen Meinungen umgehen? Der weise Rat von Paulus – «Prüft alles und behaltet das Gute» – ist hierfür ein guter Kompass. Am Impulsabend vom 13. März wird unser Gast Peter Schneeberger hilfreiche Einordnungen…
Read MoreTurkey or Switzerland - the order remains
Zu diesem Thema trifft sich die Generation+ zu einem gemeinsamen Anlass in der seetal chile. Markus B. berichtet darüber, wie er mit seiner Frau nach dem grossen Erdbeben 2023 die Türkei verlassen musste. Jetzt leben sie wieder in der Schweiz und sind mit dem gleichen Anliegen unterwegs. Er lässt uns an diesem Nachmittag an den…
Read MoreThanksgiving 2025
The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in co-operation or simply in your benevolent participation. Decisive things happen behind the scenes. At the thank-you party, we as the church leadership want to bring the invisible to light, express our heartfelt thanks, rejoice in what has happened and treat you to a dinner (special offers for vegans and vegetarians!) as well as...
Read MoreA boost for following Jesus
Last year, a young woman (J.B.) and a young man (T.A.) set off for a few months to gain important experiences on other continents. During this time, their relationship with God as well as their character development received a strong boost. It is a privilege for them to share their experiences with us. Whilst...
Read MoreAlliance events 2025
The co-operation of the churches in the Aargau Seetal is important to us. That's why we regularly cultivate our neighbourly relationships in January during the national Alliance Prayer Week. This year, our get-together consists of two events on the theme of "Living hope together": Thursday, 16 January at 19:30 (aperitif from 19:00): Prayer evening at the "Praise'n'Pray" of the Reformed Church Meisterschwanden-Fahrwangen. We will meet...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision and for people who have already decided in favour of seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into our church better. In order for this to happen, we as the church leadership and staff team...
Read MoreViva al Mare 2025
The biennial Viva Church holidays will take place again from 4-11 October. Together with many other people from Viva churches in German-speaking Switzerland, we will be travelling to Bibione. We as seetal chile also want to take part again. We are looking forward to travelling to Italy as a large group from seetal chile and spending an unforgettable week together in...
Read MoreLivestream 500(0)
Together we are on a mission. We want to reach many more people in our villages with the good news of Jesus. To pursue this goal, we launched the Livestream 500(0) project in August 2024. At the start, we sent out many mustard and toothpaste tubes with an invitation to our...
Read MoreWelcome home to Advent 2024
During Advent, you have the opportunity to network within our church in a slightly different way, meet new people and deepen existing contacts. Register as a host for a day that is still free and be curious to see who will visit you as a guest - or register as a guest for an existing offer...
Read MoreAdvent celebration with lunch and alphorn
We are very much looking forward to celebrating Advent with you! The event begins at 12:00 noon with a delicious lunch. The contemplative part that follows will include a story, a devotional and, in between, the soothing sounds of music that Lisa Stoll will skilfully elicit from her alphorn. We are invited to sing along to the well-known Christmas carols. All this is intended to...
Read MoreBaptism in late autumn
On 24 November 2024 at 13:00, we will baptise a third time this year. What a joy! The baptism will take place in the Frauenbad Seengen. Two people who are expressing their discipleship to Jesus Christ and showing their bond with Jesus have already registered. There is also a woman who wants to be baptised...
Read MoreStubete with carol singing
With the Oldies Singers, seetal chile has found a band that wants to cultivate old church songs. On 10 November, the four band members will once again be holding a "Stubete" in the plenum of the seetal chile youth centre, to which everyone is cordially invited. Together with the audience, they will be singing...
Read MoreEveryday life in prison
On this Generation+ afternoon, Peter will share with us his experiences as a prison employee in the JVA (correctional centre) and relate them to his namesake from the Bible, Peter. It will be about four surprises that Peter experienced. After the thematic part, we will enjoy a snack and dessert together. We can...
Read MoreWe baptise again
On 22 September 2024 at 13:00 we will baptise a second time this year. The baptism will take place in the Frauenbad Seengen. Three people have already registered to express their discipleship to Jesus Christ and to symbolise their bond with Jesus. Further candidates for baptism are very welcome! Baptism is an expression of the...
Read MoreDiscipleship in our small groups
"You follow me!" - is our theme for this year. But how does discipleship work? Our small groups come into play in answering this important question. This is where discipleship is put into practice. In order to spread this concern a little more widely, we are inviting all small group participants and their shepherds to an impulse evening. Also very welcome are...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
She was a hopeless case. The doctors gave up on her. She gave up on herself. The physical and emotional pain was unbearable. In this service, CS tells us that God did not give up on her, but went through an impressive healing process with her. During the worship section, we will pray specifically for healing from illnesses and for all other...
Read MoreDay trip to central Switzerland
This excursion with a boat trip on Lake Zug and lunch on the shores of Lake Aegeri will be a delight - both scenically, socially and culinary. The Generation+ team invites the whole church and their friends to be part of the tour group on this day. We travel by car to Zug. At the quay, we board a boat that will take us...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision and for people who have already decided in favour of seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into our church better. In order for this to happen, we as the church leadership and staff team...
Read MoreLivestream 500(0) - Online host
The aim of Livestream 500(0) is to reach people from the villages in our region with the good news of the Bible. The official start of this project is on 8 September. To be ready then, we are still looking for online hosts. You are cordially invited to attend the non-binding taster event for this task on 16 June at 9:30 am.
Read MoreStubete with carol singing
With the Oldies Singers, seetal chile has found a band that wants to cultivate old church songs. On 23 June, the five band members will be holding a second "Stubete" in the plenum of the seetal chile youth centre, to which everyone is cordially invited. Together with the audience, they will be singing...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
In this service, C.R., a young woman (31), will give us an insight into her life. We will learn how she struggles to trust God completely in various challenging situations (death of her mother, finding a partner, loss of unborn children). During the worship portion, we will pray specifically for healing from illness as well as for all...
Read MoreParent-child room
From Sunday, 5 May 2024, the parent-child room will no longer be located in the youth centre but in the meeting room (basement of the centre). As part of the remodelling of the youth centre with the adaptation of the rooms for our many children, the beautiful parent-child room had to make way. This space is intended for parents with babies to attend church services in an informal atmosphere.
Read MoreHow can you know if you are saved?
This Generation+ event is about the big and all-important questions in life: What happens after death? Where do I go? Can I know if I am saved? What is the basis of any assurance of salvation? The pastors of the seetal chile, Cédric Brügger and Matthias Altwegg, will be discussing these and other questions in a...
Read More"Zacchaeus" - an Adonia musical
Adonia concert, 20 April 2024, 20:00 Mehrzweckhalle FahrwangenAdonia brings the extraordinary story of Zacchaeus to the stage as a rousing musical. A gripping story about loneliness and solidarity, the opportunities and limits of prosperity and the longing for peace. You too can be captivated by this biblical story and are cordially invited to this gripping Adonia musical.
Read MoreSpring cleaning in the seetal chile
This is what awaits you if you take part in the seetal chile annual clean-up half-day on Saturday morning, 13 April: great company while you work, a bit of fun, valuable conversations and a delicious lunch at the end of the effort. 😊 We will be working from 08:00 to 12:00. You can help out all morning or just for a few hours. We...
Read MoreInspiration day for people 55+
Getting older - believing differently? Exciting impulses on this topic await you at the Inspiration Day of the St. Chrischona Theological Seminary for people over 55, which will take place on 7 May 2024 on Chrischona Mountain. Christel and Ulrich Eggers have been invited as speakers. The choir of the St. Chrischona Theological Seminary will provide musical highlights. The...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
In this service, we lift up another wealth of experience from someone in our midst. A challenging and instructive chapter has been added to LH's story in recent months due to cancer. How she experienced God through this will be an important part of her message. During the worship portion, we will pray specifically for healing from illness as well as...
Read MoreSmall groups specifically
Our small groups start a new round after the spring holidays. The month of March is a pit stop during which you can register for a small group. Our small groups fulfil a dual purpose: to provide a manageable spiritual home within a larger church and to support individuals in their growth as disciples. The name KGk...
Read MoreStubete with carol singing
With the Oldies Singers, seetal chile has found a band that wants to cultivate old church songs. On 10 March, the five band members are organising a "Stubete" in the plenum of the seetal chile youth centre, to which everyone is cordially invited. Together with the audience, they will perform the older church classics on this afternoon.
Read MoreWorship in the evening
In this service we will experience impressively how the deep realisation of forgiveness opens up new dimensions of freedom. The content of this event can change your life! Forgiveness - a central concept in the Christian faith. In her testimony, TZ shares with us the fundamental change in her life (of faith) when, after more than 40 years as a Christian, she finally...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, it should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into the church. In order for this to happen, we as a church leadership and staff team are...
Read MoreLeaps of joy for your brain
At this Generation+ afternoon, Eveline Lieberherr, certified memory trainer SVGT, will explain to us how we can help our brains to jump for joy. The event will not only be good for our brains, but also for our hearts and stomachs. Have you already exercised your memory or your brain today? Perhaps you're now wondering whether it's still possible...
Read MoreA thank you to you
The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in cooperation or simply in your benevolent participation. Decisive things happen behind the scenes. At the thank-you party on 17 February, we as the church leadership want to make the hidden visible, express our heartfelt thanks, rejoice in what has happened and treat you to a dinner and cheerful entertainment....
Read MoreSmall group concrete - Shepherds wanted
"Follow me!" is the theme of the seetal chile for 2024. The vessels in which discipleship is to become concrete are our small groups. That is why we are focussing on them and calling them KGK (small group concrete). How can concrete discipleship happen in a small group? We believe that shepherds have a decisive role to play in this....
Read MoreAlliance events 2024
The co-operation of the churches in the Aargau Seetal is important to us. That is why we regularly cultivate these neighbourly relationships in January during the National Alliance Prayer Week. This year, our get-together consists of two events on the topic "God invites - Vision for Mission": Thursday, 18 January at 19:30 (aperitif from 19:00): Prayer evening at the "Praise'n'Pray" of the Reformed Church...
Read MoreHoliday week in South Tyrol 60+
Together with the tour operator Surprise and two of our Viva Kirchen neighbours (Beinwil am See and Reinach), we are organising an attractive 60+ holiday week in beautiful South Tyrol from 15.09.2024 - 21.09.2024. Various activities are offered on individual days. Everyone chooses what suits their physical needs to enjoy a relaxing holiday. Hikers, bikers, connoisseurs etc....
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, it should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into the church. In order for this to happen, we as a church leadership and staff team are...
Read MoreChristmas party - It's knocking on the door
Let's celebrate Christmas together. It is the festival on which we remember that God came into the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Various doors were opened at that time. Many, but not all, were opened. Through theatre scenes and songs, played and sung by the children from the Kigo, as well as through a...
Read MoreWelcome home in Advent 2023
During Advent, you have the opportunity to network within our church in a slightly different way, meet new people and deepen existing contacts. Register as a host for a day that is still free and be curious to see who will visit you as a guest - or register as a guest for an existing offer...
Read MoreAdvent celebration Generation+
We are very much looking forward to celebrating Advent with you! The Advent celebration for the Generation+ begins at 12:00 noon with a delicious lunch. Fritz Stalder (former pastor in Seon) will organise the contemplative part with a Christmas story and in-depth thoughts. In between, we will sing some of the classic Christmas carols accompanied by a pianist. All this should...
Read MoreSituation of Christians in Ukraine and Eastern Europe
What is the actual situation of Christians in Ukraine in particular and in Eastern Europe in general? This question will be answered on this evening at the centre of the seetal chile. We will be offering an aperitif from 7.30 pm, which will provide an opportunity for informal dialogue. The Aargauer Seetal Alliance is organising an event in connection with...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
In the next "simply and movingly" service in the evening, we will deal with the topic of child abuse experienced in a Christian family. Despite the many sad experiences, the person concerned testifies: With Jesus, everything is possible. In a conversation, we gain an insight into J.R.'s dark childhood experiences and the effects on his later life.
Read MoreGeneration+ on a Negev desert walk
Franz Meier reports with pictures about his desert hiking week in the Negev (Israel) in December 2022, covering 15 to 20 kilometres a day and sleeping in tents at zero degrees Celsius. The goal was to climb Mount Har Karkom. It is believed that this is the mountain where Moses received the tablets of the law. Afterwards, Franz...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
The motto of this evening service is also "simple and moving". You are cordially invited to make a personal contribution! Instead of one person telling a lot, many people should have the opportunity to share a short testimony on this occasion. Have you recently had an encouraging or a difficult experience with God?
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, it should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into the church. In order for this to happen, we as a church leadership and staff team are...
Read MoreExcursion on and along the Rhine
Together we set off on a wonderful journey. We travel by car to Schaffhausen. At the quay we board a boat that takes us through impressive landscapes to Stein am Rhein. There we marvel at the well-preserved medieval town and then find ourselves in the Viva church there, where Markus Inäbnit (our...
Read MoreGeneration+ with Tabea Inäbnit
Topic: Stumbling through life by God's hand Before Tabea moved out into the wide world, she was a pastor in seetal chile for ten years until 2017. Now she works as a pastor at EGW Konolfingen in Emmental. To refresh the relationship between her and the seetal chile a bit, we invited her. She...
Read MoreA little trip around the world
As part of the next Abentüür Gebäts on 6 June, we will go on a little trip around the world together: It will lead from Switzerland to Turkey, Bulgaria, Kurdistan and Central Asia. We want to dedicate this evening entirely to our friends in the field (FiA) and their neighbours. We will learn many interesting things about their current situation in the country, about...
Read MoreWe baptise in open water
We will baptise in the Aabach on 28 May 2023 at 13:00. One person who wants to express their attachment to Jesus Christ has already registered. Further candidates for baptism are very welcome. Baptism is an expression of the desire to live one's life completely in trust in Jesus Christ. If you want this and...
Read MoreThe police - your friend and helper
At this Generation+ event (60+) you will get an insight into the daily work of a police officer who is part of our seetal chile community. What does a police officer do? What are his specific and general experiences? How does he deal with the darker sides of our society? What advice does he consider relevant to Generation+? Also you...
Read MoreInspiration day for people 55+
Glimmers of hope in the darkness - exciting impulses on this topic await you at the Inspiration Day of the St. Chrischona Theological Seminary for people 55+. It will take place on 2 May 2023 on Chrischona Mountain. Experience the successful Christian author and lecturer Dr. Debora Sommer, meet old and new friends, meet the tsc with its students...
Read MoreSpring cleaning in the seetal chile
This is what you can expect if you join the seetal chile's annual cleaning day on Saturday morning, 15 April: great fellowship while working, a bit of fun, valuable conversations and a fine lunch at the end of the exertions. We will work from 08:00 to 12:00. You can help out all morning or just for a few hours. We...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-each-other evening is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to better find their way into the congregation. In order for this to happen, we as the congregation leadership and staff are...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
In the next "simply and poignantly" service in the evening we will deal - in the Passion season - with the theme of suffering based on the life story of Andreas Hardmeier. How such a stressful situation is experienced by the spouse, we learn from his wife Ruth. In conversation with the Hardmeier couple, we learn how they deal with an unspeakable...
Read More"Filius - The Son" - a musical
In time for Easter, we will enjoy a musical with vividly staged Bible texts and powerful songs about the Son of God. The play will be performed by Schauspiel GmbH under the direction of Beat Müller. The musical is a lively production of central Bible passages that describe the nature and character of God's Son. The red...
Read MoreNew small group round
After the spring break, our small groups start a new round. Before that, there will be a pit stop where you have the opportunity to join a small group. The purpose of our small groups is twofold: to provide a manageable spiritual home within a larger church and to support individuals in their growth in discipleship. If you would like to be part...
Read MoreWorship in the evening
We celebrate the second "plain and simple" service in the evening. Once again it is about "lifting treasures" and getting a personal insight into God's work in a life. On 26 February, Cédric Brügger tells how he deals with identity that is felt to be in conflict. Despite all doubts, he experiences that he is a beloved son of God,...
Read MoreDiscussion evening Gässli 6
After the application of our neighbour D.H. from Gässli 6 for a new boundary line was postponed at our last community meeting, there will be a new edition on this matter at the next AGM on 2 March. In order to give every parishioner a good basis for their own opinion, we are organising a question and discussion evening with the persons concerned....
Read MoreWorship in the evening
The time has come: we are celebrating the first "plain and simple" evening service. Simple and moving because these services are less elaborately produced (e.g. without livestream), but all the more personal. On 22 January Chrigi and Miri L. will tell how they experienced God in their marriage even in difficult times. Their testimony is very...
Read MoreFilm Afternoon Generation+
"The Chosen" - this is the name of the latest, excellent film adaptation of Jesus' life on this earth, adapted to the culture of the time. At the moment, the third season of this series is being filmed. The films have been dubbed into German. On 16 February, we will watch an episode from this epoch-making work together on the big screen in the seetal chile....
Read MoreA thank you to you
The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in cooperation or simply in benevolent participation. Decisive things happen in secret. At the thanksgiving party on 18 February, we as the church leadership want to make the hidden things visible, thank you warmly, rejoice in what has happened and present you with a dinner and a cheerful conversation....
Read MorePrayer for the Winter Camp
Currently, about 70 people are experiencing the winter camp in Lenzerheide with great expectations. You have the opportunity to become an important part of it by praying for the camp. The leadership team will send out prayer information by email every evening. You can sign up for this prayer email right now!
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, it should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into the church. In order for this to happen, we as a church leadership and staff team are...
Read MoreTogether with our neighbours
Looking over our own fence again is fun and broadens our horizons. We are promoting this by organising three events with our neighbouring churches from 10 - 15 January 2023. The theme of the whole week is "Joy - that my joy may fill you completely". We offer the following events: Tuesday, 10 January 20:00:...
Read MoreNew Year Service 2023
The new year 2023 starts on a Sunday. So that everyone is fit and well rested after New Year's Eve, we start our New Year's service at 5:00 pm. The same applies to the children's offerings. Our first service of the new year is meant to exude courage, hope and confidence. This is done through an encouraging sermon, heartfelt worship, a communion...
Read MoreHigh-ranking visitor
At Christmas we celebrate God's visit to man. So it is not man who has to work his way up to God, but God sets out and comes to us in the person of Jesus. With different scenes, played by children and adults, this important message will be illustrated in an impressive way. To this creative and profound Christmas celebration...
Read MoreAdvent celebration with lunch and alphorn
We are very excited to celebrate Advent with you! The Advent celebration for Generation+ begins at 12:00 with a delicious lunch. The contemplative part that follows includes a story, a devotion and, in between, soothing musical sounds that Lisa Stoll will skillfully elicit from her alphorn. We are invited to sing along with the well-known Christmas carols. All this...
Read MoreDiscover D'Bible
The offer "Discover the Bible" is just right for people who want to dive deeper into the Bible. The first discovery will be that this is a totally worthwhile investment! ? Next month the group, led by Daniele Tartoni, will start with a new book, Ephesians. This is a very good moment...
Read MorePersecution and hope
Nigerian Christians in the face of Islamist terrorism and persecution This event will take place in the Reformed Kirchgemeindehaus in Seon. We will already meet at 7:30 pm for an aperitif. You are cordially invited! Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian today. Islamic terrorism, which is carried out by terrorist organisations such as Boko Haram and...
Read MoreRun for Jesus - my Challenge for Compassion
Report by Daniel Rubsch-King Link: Run for Jesus | TOGETHER - Compassion Switzerland Fundraising My fundraising project "Run for Jesus" is aimed at all those who want to support those in need in these difficult times in the spirit of the core message of Jesus Christ: Love your neighbour as yourself. My goal is to raise CHF 1,000 in donations and to...
Read MoreViva Church Experience Day
As seetal chile have the privilege of hosting at the first national Viva Church Experience Day entitled "Host - Table Fellowship". This day will include an inspiring worship service, a tasty barbecue lunch and guided table discussions on the theme. The event will be broadcast to various locations across the country where Viva Churches meet. In May,...
Read MoreLife in freedom
The path to freedom remains a lifelong task. The course "Living in Freedom" has the potential to initiate or advance a healing process in your life. On four evenings and one Saturday you will get the opportunity to start becoming aware of things and to address them. The course gives you the opportunity to release pent-up, repressed...
Read MoreJourney to the Jura to the Anabaptists
On 25 August, we will go on a journey to the Jura, which is very interesting in terms of landscape and church history. The trip is organised by the Generation+ team, and everyone is invited. On the Thursday in question we will board the car at 11:45 am, which will be waiting at the seetal chile car park. Soon we set off and travel in a pleasant...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, it should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way into the church. In order for this to happen, we as a church leadership and staff team are...
Read MorePhoto reportage from Lake Hallwil
Since Brigitte and Hanspeter Stutz moved to Boniswil in 1986, they have been walking around Lake Hallwil once a month. Since one of their hobbies is photography, they have taken many impressive photos of Lake Hallwil over the years, which have also been published in an illustrated book. They will be presenting some of them to us on 16 June at our...
Read MoreBaptism on 12 June 2022
On 12 June 2022 we will again baptise in open water. Two people have already registered. If you want to live your life in faith in Jesus Christ and have not yet experienced a baptism of faith, you are cordially invited to be baptised as well. The registration of two children for a baptism gave us the occasion to...
Read MoreLivestream from Bad Schussenried
This Sunday we will not celebrate a service in Seon, but one in Bad Schussenried at the church weekend on the theme of "heavenly". Since the event will be livestreamed, you can join in and be part of it. The livestream will start unusually at 11:00 a.m. - and also in an unusual technical quality. For the sake of simplicity, we will be using a camera to...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The get-to-know-you morning is an event that should fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to better find their way into the congregation. In order for this to happen, we as church leadership and...
Read MoreA little trip around the world
As part of the next Abentüür Building on 26 April, we will go on a little trip around the world together: It will take us from the OM Office Switzerland via Turkey and Bulgaria to Central Asia! We want to dedicate this evening entirely to our friends in the field (FiA) and their neighbours. We will learn many interesting things about their current situation in...
Read MoreThe long shadow of the past
For the next event of the Generation+ we could win Karl Albietz. He will take us into an exciting pastoral topic. "The Long Shadow of the Past" takes us into the last hours of Moses (Deut. 34:1-7). It is interesting to see the connection between Moses' "fall into sin" in Exodus 20:2-12 and his "fall" only a few kilometres...
Read MoreSpring cleaning in the seetal chile
This is what you could expect if you join the seetal chile's annual cleaning day on Saturday morning, 23 April 2022: great fellowship while working, a bit of fun, valuable conversations and a fine lunch at the end of the exertions. 😊 We will work from 08:00 to 12:00. You can work the whole morning or just a few hours....
Read MoreTogether for refugees from Ukraine
The images of fleeing people in the media speak volumes about the plight of those affected. Do you wonder where all these people will be accommodated? Do you have a possibility and can you imagine offering refugees a temporary home? At the moment, the situation in Switzerland is relatively relaxed compared to neighbouring countries in Ukraine....
Read MoreSmall Groups and Just People Course
After the spring break, our small groups start a new round. Before that, there will be a pit stop where you have the opportunity to join a small group. On the first seven evenings after the new formation, we will run the course "Just People" in the small groups, which is about Christian responsibility in this world and a just...
Read MoreParking on Sunday morning
There are few churches that have as many parking spaces as we do. Still, there is the challenge of getting one on Sunday morning. Our neighbours do not like to see our cars parked on the sides of the road or even on the street. In an emergency scenario, this would hinder a rescue by ambulance or fire brigade. The following alternatives are...
Read MoreLecture on Israel
Doron Schneider will speak on the topic "Fulfilled prophecies in modern Israel and our task as Christians". This important and interesting event will take place in the Kirchgemeindehaus in Dürrenäsch. The 2G rule applies in the hall, but there will be a transfer to the certificate-free UG. So you will definitely find a place! On the occasion of this event, which is organised by the...
Read MoreArmenia - a country in need
A Generation+ event* with Stephan Schneider. Armenia still suffers greatly from the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The devastating earthquake of 1988, the ongoing conflict and the recently reignited war with neighbouring Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, as well as the strained relationship with Turkey, weigh heavily on the Armenian people. That is why Armenia belongs...
Read MoreAlliance Service 2022
On the theme "We love Sunday", we will celebrate an Alliance service together on 16 January 2022 at 10:00 a.m. in various churches in the Aargauer Seetal. The joint service will mark the end of our Alliance Week, which has the motto "Sabbath - living according to God's rhythm". Frédéric Légeret will preach the sermon and a worship group from the seetal chile...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The Getting to Know You Morning on 22 January 2022 at 09:00 is an event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join the seetal chile, the event should help them to better find their way into the community. For this to happen...
Read MoreMission impossible?
The current situation with the Covid regulations of the Federal Council is quite challenging for us as church leadership. How a mission impossible can become a mission possible. At the moment, our Sunday service is a certified service in the centre. People appreciate the fact that they can come without any restrictions....
Read MoreChristmas parcels" campaign
Every year, tens of thousands of people from Switzerland give needy people in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe a Christmas parcel. For them, a parcel is a great gift that will be remembered for a long time. The recipients are deeply touched by the fact that someone has thought of them and put together a Christmas parcel with valuable and useful items. Many families can...
Read MoreDiscover D'Bible
The offer "Discover the Bible" is just right for people who want to dive deeper into the Bible. The first discovery will be that this is a totally worthwhile investment! ? Next month the group, led by Daniele Tartoni, will start with a new book, Philippians. This is a very good moment...
Read MoreFascination Alps
Filmmaker Kurt Baltensperger presents his latest work at the Generation+ event on 21 October. No one has to stay at home for this event, because no Covid certificate is needed! From the film description:The Alps, a gift to our homeland. Somehow the beauty and wildness of these habitats fascinate everyone. The viewers experience the Alps in the change of...
Read MoreServices in the seetal chile
We are happy to have the opportunity to worship, even though the regulations of the Federal Council affect us sensitively. In addition to listening to God and worshipping, it is very important to us that we as seetal chile can maintain unity between people with different beliefs and understandings. For the time being, we will hold our service at two different...
Read MoreCommunity forum "two services
The new regulations have put a stop to a physical meeting. Therefore, we will now meet for a Zoom meeting on 20 September at 20:00. The church leadership is keen to talk about this issue with as many people from seetal chile as possible - especially the staff. This spring we made...
Read MoreGetting to know each other
The Get-to-know-you morning on 11 September 2021 at 09:00 is an event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join the seetal chile, the event should help them to better find their way into the community. For this to happen...
Read MoreTrip to Lake Constance
Our Generation+ team is organising a half-day trip to the Swiss Cider and Distillery Museum in Arbon on Lake Constance on 26 August 2021. Even if you don't belong to the Generation+ yet, you are cordially invited! We will take part in an interesting, interactive and informative journey of discovery through the world of fruit and its utilisation. More info on the...
Read MoreBeing a Christian
Recently someone from the seetal chile drew my attention to the following text by Maria Hüsing: To be familiar with sorrow, but to live without bitterness To doubt oneself, but not to despair To feel God's hiddenness painfully and yet to believe hopefully To know one's own guilt and yet to stand in grace To lack some things and yet to have everything...
Read MoreThe main thing is to be healthy!
On 13 June, the next seetal chile Talk will take place during the 7 p.m. service on the topical and explosive subject of "The main thing is to be healthy! The discussion partner is a man who is very familiar with illness, health and death, namely the oncologist Andreas Jakob. Is it really the main thing that we are healthy? Why do we experience so little healing, even though the...
Read MoreBaptism in open water
Next Sunday, 27 June at 13:30, we will have a big baptism celebration at Hübelholz. It is a privilege that 11 people will be baptised in the Aabach, so why not be part of this celebration? You can park at the indoor swimming pool, in Oholten or at the Catholic church and then walk within a few minutes to the...
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