Decoration for the 2025 theme

For the annual theme "EIFACH muetig - mit Jesus als Vorbild" (EIFACH courageous - with Jesus as our role model), we asked ourselves what exactly does it mean to be courageous in faith? To walk with Jesus? We have been given the following ten POWERS to follow: TRUST, PRAYER, LOVE IN ACTION, INTEGRITY, TESTIMONY, HOPE, RISK PREPAREDNESS, THANKSGIVENESS, CONTINUITY, OBEDIENCE.
Here is the "ROUTE DESCRIPTION" for the respective ROUTES
TrustTrust God, even when circumstances are uncertain. Taking steps of faith without understanding everything.
PrayerPray courageously for others, even in difficult moments. Stand up for change through persistent prayer.
Love in actionPractising forgiveness, even when it is difficult. Practising charity, even in challenging situations.
Integrity: Making faith visible through actions. Living honestly and authentically, even if it brings disadvantages.
Bearing witness: Confess your faith openly. Talk about your experiences with God.
Hope: Exude hope in crises. Trust that God will lead everything to the good.
Willingness to take risksDare to do new things because you trust in God. Doing missionary work or standing up for others despite resistance.
GratitudeBe thankful, even in difficult times. Praise and glorify God in everything.
SteadfastnessStand by your convictions, even when there are headwinds. Defending your faith without being aggressive.
ObedienceFollow God's will, even if it is uncomfortable. Be guided by God's word.
Let us simply follow the signposts courageously together, with Jesus as our role model.
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