Worship in the evening

published on Thursday, 29. August 2024 by Cédric Brügger
Sunday, 22 September 2024 | 19:00 h

He had a turbulent life, and at some forks in the road
he did not make the best decision. Always in the fast lane, the
excess and debauchery over a long period of time. Whether
as a rock guitarist, in private life or later as an entrepreneur. Ten years ago
he sought help from God in an exceptional situation. In the meantime, God has
door in his heart opened wider, and the journey that began then continues into the future.
the next chapter. AH tells how ten years ago, during his work
at the new centre of the seetal chile, gradually got to know Jesus. He gives
insight into the exciting steps he is taking in following Jesus, and how
Jesus continues to reveal himself in his life.

During the worship part we will pray specifically for healing of illnesses as well as for all other intentions. We would be happy if we could do this for you too!

Before the service, you can buy a delicious evening meal in our bistro and enjoy good company. For organisational reasons, we would be grateful if you could place your order at the counter between 18:00 and 18:30.

After the service, the bistro is still open for drinks.

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Cédric Brügger

Pastor focus on youth

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