You are unique!

On this theme, Sisterhood invites you to an evening full of culinary diversity on Friday, 24 May. After a short input, we may enjoy a feast in a cosy atmosphere. This will be accompanied by a buffet with delicacies from all over the world.
To make this buffet versatile and large, we are still looking for women who can contribute something - whether Greek salad, tapas, spring rolls, Älplermagronen, Adobo Chicken, Lamingtons, Baklava ... everything is welcome! Apéritifs, starters, main courses and desserts are all welcome. And don't worry, you don't have to bring a lot - portions for about 5 people are tiptop.
We look forward to seeing you, whether you bring something, help out or simply enrich us with your presence! You are very welcome!
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