Posts by Katja Hirschi
Time out with God
It's that time again: pray22 will take place from 24-28 October! Prayer will take place around the clock for four days in the youth centre. There are new hours when you have the opportunity to pray or sing together: Mon 24/10: 19:30-20:30 Common worship time in the centre Common prayer times: Tue 9:00-10:00, Wed....
Read MoreWeek of Prayer PRAY21
"Let us therefore approach the throne of grace with boldness, that we may obtain mercy and find grace for timely help!" (Hebrews 4:16). Again this year there is an opportunity to come before God and pray in a specially equipped room, away from all distractions. We are again taking part in the PRAY prayer initiative, which is taking place...
Read MorePRAY20 - We are part of it!
The prayer initiative PRAY was launched at the beginning of 2019 with the aim of praying around the clock for a year in Switzerland. In the process, personal prayer is rediscovered and there is the opportunity to encounter God far away from all distractions. PRAY is interdenominational and is organised and supported by 24-7CH Prayer: Bibellesebund,...
Read MorePRAY19 - that's how it was with us!
God was encountered and experienced in many ways! Prayer was also rediscovered or deepened. Many reports testify to deep encounters with our God! PRAY19 was a blessing for many. We can only say: Praise the Lord!!! We filled every hour of the prayer calendar - we prayed for three days! Thank you...
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