glow Mountain Weekend 2020

This year we will spend two days with the glow Youth and glow Next go to the mountains: 22-23 August 2020. Together we will go on an adventurous hike that is well suited for everyone and exciting at the same time!
Stay overnight we will stay in a self-catering hut - and thus also cook ourselves. For those who want to be a bit more adventurous, there is the possibility to bivouac. We will announce the location at the mountain weekend 😉
We will be at the Saturday morning at approx. 07:00 hrs in the seetal chile and in the course of the Sunday afternoon come back again.
The Walking time is approx. 3-4 hours on the first day and 2-3 hours on the second day. We will again be in different groups.
The Weekend costs for accommodation, meals and transport for all under 18 years CHF 25.00 and for all over 18 years CHF 45.00 (price difference comes from the hut).
The Detailed information will be sent out in the week before the weekend. This Equipment However, each person needs: good shoes (if possible with high uppers), rucksack for 2 days, rain and sun protection, warm clothes, silk sleeping bag (for the night in the hut), food during the hike.
If you don't (yet) own any of these, please feel free to contact me - many of them can be borrowed.
If the Weather does not play alongwe will not run the programme or will only go to the mountains for one day. This would be communicated shortly beforehand.
Insurance is the responsibility of the participants. A separate protection concept will be developed for the glow Bergweekend.
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