We look forward to two services

published on Monday, 25 January 2021 by Melanie Meier

In order to enable more people to attend our services, we have decided, from 14 February 2021 Sundays at 9:30 and at 11:00 a.m. to offer one service each.

We are already looking forward to the possibility of two services and hope for many visitors. Many thanks to all the staff who are making an extra effort for the benefit of this offer!


From 08:45: Prayer for everyone in the lounge of the youth centre. You can join us there until shortly before the service and pray for the service and topics beyond.

09:15: For the first service from this time the door is for you open and we welcome you warmly.

09:30 Start of the first service with crèche and kigo. The language of the sermon is written in German so that people speaking other languages can understand better. It would be ideal if we gave priority to parents with children for this service.

10:40: By this time you must have Leave worship spaceso that we have enough time to disinfect all contact surfaces and prepare the room for the second service.

10:50: If you have the second service the entrance door is closed for you from this time on. open.

11:00 am: Start of the second service with transmission of the livestream in the lounge of the youth house for teens and young people. The language of the sermon is Swiss German.

Other important information

The services, which should last no more than one hour, will both be held in the Livestream transferred.

After the services, we will give you a coffee or mineral to take away. The Bistro must unfortunately remain closed before and after the services. In all our rooms, masks are compulsory and we are not allowed to consume anything. You may enjoy your drink outside our premises in groups of max. 5.

If parents attend the service with their children and the children do not go to the Kigo or the crèche, count the number of children in the crèche. the children to the 50 visitors and therefore have to also be registered.

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Anne Gröber
Anne Gröber (@guest_113)
28 janvier 2021 9:06

Great, great, great. I think you are super innovative. ?

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Melanie Meier

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