Next Steps | Stage Design 2023+

It has now been almost two months since interested people met to discuss the future of the stage design of our worship hall. Here is an update at last.
What is it about? Read now our last blog post.
On Saturday morning, everyone came together and first heard an introduction to the topic. Then they went off in groups to visit five different posts. In "Organisational and project management" different possibilities for the realisation of this project were discussed, in "Positioning of stage elements" the stage could be designed with cardboard elements on a model, in "Requirements/ideas for the new stage" the core elements were identified with PostIt's, in "Atmosphere, symbolism, emotional effect" the effect of different designs could be experienced and in "Personal participation" it was discussed who could contribute to the success of this project. The morning was rounded off with croissants and coffee and a short summary of the posts.
In the meantime, it has been decided that this project will be led by a small core team consisting of Simon Wick, David Gautschi, Alain Remund, Timon Altwegg and Stefanie Altwegg. In fortnightly meetings we would like to bring the topic to the point where a concrete design proposal and an implementation plan are available. Technical clarifications should be made or planned and a budget estimate should be available. The core team asks other people with concrete concerns and, where necessary, calls in external help.
We plan to keep all interested parties up to date via blog posts and, when this first project planning phase is completed, to inform and collect feedback on a larger scale again. After that, we will enter the second round of concrete implementation of the project.
We are very much looking forward to it and wish for active participation and involvement in this process!
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