Situation of Christians in Ukraine and Eastern Europe

Thursday, 9 November 2023 | 20:00 h
What is the actual situation of Christians in Ukraine in particular and in Eastern Europe in general? This question will be answered on this evening at the centre of the seetal chile. We will be offering an aperitif from 7.30 pm, which will provide an opportunity for informal dialogue.
The Aargauer Seetal Alliance is organising a lecture on the persecution of Christians in connection with the Sunday of the Persecuted Church. The speaker, Stefan Kube from G2W ( is an expert on the situation of Christians in Eastern Europe. In his lecture, he will give us an insight into the situation of Christians in the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine and the discrepancy between the two Orthodox churches.
Ref. parish of Seon
seetal chile Seon
Boniswil Egliswil Hallwil Seengen Ref. church
Ref. parish of Leutwil-Dürrenäsch
Parish of Meisterschwanden-Fahrwangen
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