Pray24 / save the date

Let us therefore come confidently before the throne of our exceedingly gracious God, that we may obtain favour and mercy, and receive his help in due season. Hebrews 4:16
A week of prayer will be held at the youth centre again this year. From 20-25 October 2024 there is a specially equipped room that offers many opportunities to encounter our gracious God, to pray and to hear the whisper of God, the voice of the Holy Spirit, in the silence without the distractions of our hectic everyday lives.
As seetal chile, we are taking part in the 24-7 PRAYER CH prayer initiative, which aims to encourage prayer throughout Switzerland throughout the year.
Pray24 is embedded in an overarching theme and provides inspiration on an important aspect of our annual theme "Follow me". The details will be announced at the end of August.
We would like to give you the opportunity to add this week to your diary now. As in previous years, there will be an online calendar in which you can register for one or more hours and thus reserve the prayer room for yourself. (also possible several times during the Pray Week).
In addition, the Sunday, 20 October 2024a joint start to Pray24 will take place during the evening service and on Friday evening, 25 October 2024 a common conclusion.
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