Changing the world introvertedly

published on Friday, September 6, 2019 by Matthias Altwegg
Debora Sommer_GD_190922

On 22 September at 10:00 a.m., Dr. Debora Sommer will speak at the seetal chile service on the topic "Curtain up for quiet Christians". You are cordially invited to this inspiring service!

About half of all people are introverts. Yet personality traits of extroverts are often portrayed as more positive - also and especially in the Christian context. As a result, introverts often feel inadequate and withdraw even more. In doing so, not only they themselves but also others overlook the significant strengths and abilities they can bring to the table. Debora Sommer shows what makes introverts tick and what contribution they can make in this world and their communities. According to their nature, introverts can move a lot in the kingdom of God, because God's guidance does not stop at the boundaries of their personality!

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Matthias Altwegg


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