Pit stop before the next lap

published on Monday, 2 March 2020 by Matthias Altwegg

They say: "The larger a congregation becomes, the more important the small groups are."That is probably right. In the small groups people should find a home and grow in their spiritual life. It is our concern that people who have not been part of the congregation for long can network with "more experienced" people, grow and find friends in the small groups.

Our small groups run on a yearly rota, meeting fortnightly and taking a break during the school holidays. Every spring, the participants decide whether they want to stay in their current group or change their orientation. At the same time, this break provides an easy introduction for newcomers. You are also welcome to join the next round. With your registration, you commit to staying for one year.

We would especially like to point out the offer of a starter group. This is an excellent thing for people who have many questions and little or no experience of faith. Together we cautiously approach God and the church.

We are looking forward to your registration!

Registration deadline: 29 March 2020

Start of the new round: 21 April 2020

Registration is no longer possible.
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Matthias Altwegg


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