Invitation to the tsc Network Conference

published on Friday, 25. September 2020 by Melanie Meier

We have been invited to the tsc network conference in November with the title "Unleashed community". This was originally planned to take place at St Chrischona in Basel. However, due to the current corona situation, it has been reorganised as an online conference. We would like to take this opportunity to be there with you because we believe that the topic of the conference is exciting for us as a whole church!

We therefore invite all interested parties on Saturday, 7 November from 09:00 to approx. 16:00 to our seetal chile for the live broadcast. We would like to eat together in our bistro. However, due to the current corona situation, you should bring your own lunch.

What is the conference about?

The tsc network conference is looking for contemporary options that unleash our churches and set them free for the challenges of the future. They are convinced that the trinity of "education, community & mission" plays an essential role in keeping the church fit for the future. Various speakers have been invited to speak on this topic - Kristine Fratz, Walter and Oliver Dürr and Steffen Beck.

If you would like to take part, we look forward to receiving your registration by 2 November. Your participation is free of charge, a voluntary collection as a contribution towards expenses (lunch and participation fee for the live broadcast) is welcome.

You can find more information about the network conference at www.

Registration is no longer possible.
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Melanie Meier

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