Worship in the evening

Sunday, 21. January 2024 | 19:00 h
In the next "simply and movingly" evening service, we will deal with the topic of alcohol addiction. In a personal experience report, a married woman and mother of two tells how she gradually became addicted.
In a conversation, we gain an insight into how S.S. began to drink more and more alcohol out of boredom and excessive demands until she could finally no longer function without it. She gives us a glimpse into her years of hiding. The more she drank, the further away from God she felt. After years of addiction, she kicked the habit and her experiences gave her an unshakeable faith in God.
During the worship part we will pray specifically for healing of illnesses as well as for all other intentions. We would be happy if we could do this for you too!
Before the service, between 18:00 and 18:30, you can buy a simple evening meal in our bistro and eat in good company. After the service, the bistro is only open for drinks.
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