There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
Stubete with carol singing
With the Oldies Singers, seetal chile has found a band that wants to cultivate old church songs. On 10 March, the five band members are organising a "Stubete" in the...
Music event
Musical worship is an essential part of our church service. Many people have been involved in the music team, some for years, and enliven the service with their talents. There are always new faces...
Teens Event 2024
It's almost time for the Teens Event 2024! We'll be spending a week full of action, excitement, fun and great fellowship - so you should join the Teens Event!
All cheese or what?
It's time again for a men's event... Winter is slowly but surely receding, spring isn't really here yet, the days are getting longer, but outside for a cosy get-together,...
Olympics - Holiday fun 2024
What is the biggest sports tournament you know? An Olympics is definitely one of them. This year you have the chance to take part in our holiday fun Olympics. At the beginning of the week you will...
Autumn camp 2024
Before winter arrives in Switzerland, we are travelling together as glow to Cala Montgó in the Mediterranean. We'll spend a week there with good company and what your heart desires.