There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
Christmas party - It's knocking on the door
Let's celebrate Christmas together. It is the festival on which we remember that God came into the world in the person of Jesus Christ. At that time...
Christmas Celebration
It will soon be that time again. The year is coming to an end, which means that our Christmas party with glow Youth and glow Next is coming up: The Christmas Celebration. We will meet...
Sisterhood Advent Calendar
The year is drawing to a close and we are fast approaching the Advent season. A wonderful time that is all about looking forward to the arrival of the Saviour.
Welcome home in Advent 2023
During the Advent season, there is the opportunity to network within our church in a slightly different way, to get to know new people and to deepen existing contacts. Sign up for a...
Advent celebration Generation+
We are very much looking forward to celebrating Advent with you! The Advent celebration for the Generation+ starts at 12:00 noon with a delicious lunch. The contemplative part will be led by Fritz Stalder (former...
Worship in the evening
In the next "plain and simple" evening service, we will deal with the topic of pornography consumption. In a personal experience report, a young man tells us why he declared war on his consumption of...