There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
New small group round
After the spring break, our small groups start a new round. Before that, there will be a pit stop where you have the opportunity to join a small group. Our small groups serve a dual purpose:...
glow Youth goes Europa-Park
Fancy a roller coaster, thrills, sweets and a day full of action? Then this is the right event for you! On 17 June, we will be travelling together in our own coach to Rust...
Worship in the evening
We celebrate the second "plain and simple" service in the evening. Once again it is about "lifting up treasures" and getting a personal insight into the work of God in one's life....
Everyday life in space - Ferienplausch 2023
Have you ever been in space? Would you like to fly in a rocket? During the spring break, we will go on a journey into space together. In space, everything is different from here...
Translation of the sermon in German and English
Our sermons are held in dialect. From now on, you can listen to a translation in High German and English in the hall. Bring your smartphone and suitable headphones to listen to the...
Sisterhood visits "Flowers for Art
"Budding branches, fragrant blossoms and fresh greenery herald the arrival of spring at the Kunsthaus Aarau." With these flowery words, the Kunsthaus Aarau beckons to this year's "Flowers for Art" event, where...