Winter camp with village character

published on Monday, 7 January 2019 by Seraina Staehelin & Stefanie Hauser
Wintercamp 2018/2019 - Gruppenfoto auf der Piste

Shortly before the end of the year, we travelled to Lenzerheide as a group with more than 50 participants from our youth work glow Youth and glow Next. The camp was themed "The Village". Camp life resembled a village community and so, for example, one ski group was called "Yodelling Club" or "Hunters' Club" and the bedrooms were named after city districts such as "Chinatown" or "Downtown".

Off to the slopes!

As soon as we arrived in Lenzerheide, we hit the slopes. In total, there were five ski groups and three snowboard groups, each of which spent time on the slopes. Each day there was a fun challenge, such as a video or a puzzle, which had to be solved as a group. On the slopes, the participants could let off steam and learn new tricks. In between, it was a bit foggy and partly snowing - but mostly sunny and fantastically beautiful. Through the many shared experiences on the slopes, many friendships were made and the community was strengthened. This created an unbelievably great group dynamic.

Evening programme with depth

For the programme in the evenings, something new was tried out this year: Different small groups were formed in which they could choose from various activities. At the beginning of the week, the groups set a common goal. For example, each evening there was the opportunity to listen to an input, communion could be received or reading in the Bible followed by discussion was encouraged. Thus, everyone was able to pursue their own interests, while also being considerate of new people. We experienced an intense and powerful time with God!

A successful start to the new year!

In keeping with the theme of "The Village", we celebrated a village party on New Year's Eve. Everyone dressed up as a village character and so everyone from the farmer to the secretary and the mayor were represented. First we enjoyed a feast served by the leaders. Next came the contributions prepared by the ski groups.

In advance we had time to think about the good and bad things of the past year and wrote them down. We could write the things we were grateful for on lanterns and the bad things on a small piece of paper. Then we went outside, let the lanterns go up and burned the negative things. Afterwards, we went back to the camp to celebrate the new year with worship. Finally, the VIP guest DJMiton came and we really let it rip on the dance floor.

The winter camp was characterised by many beautiful, funny and intensive experiences and a uniquely great group dynamic.

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Seraina Staehelin & Stefanie Hauser

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