Jesus in focus

published on Monday, September 2, 2019 by Matthias Altwegg
Jesus im Fokus_seetalchileposcht_20190902

The The numbers confirm what we have felt in the leadership team: For the first time in the last in the past twelve years, the number of people attending the service did not increased. Stagnation. That's not bad at all. And some people are if they can still keep track to some extent. 

But since we have committed ourselves to a we cannot simply sit back and relax. As long as there are people who have not yet found a home with the Father in heaven, the urgency of our mission remains. urgency of our mission. That is why we have once again invested heavily in projects projects such as a new image, a new organisational structure, the continuation of our culture and the development of a mentoring network. The capacities provided by our two interns were very helpful. helpful.

Shortly before the holidays, a member of the courage and confronted me with the thought that we are in danger of losing sight of the we are in danger of losing sight of the main thing. out of sight. I think it is great that this person addressed the matter. Not only patting each other on the back, but also admonishing each other, takes a lot of courage and moves us forward.

And yes, this danger does exist. We are doing everything in our power to ensure that this does not happen. We want to our focus on Jesus. For me personally, that is precisely a great concern. That's why the idea came up to relieve the pastor with an executive director. relieve the pastor. The longer these measures take effect, the more I see it as my responsibility and duty that we and I see it as my responsibility and duty that we as a whole staff team and as a congregation keep congregation to keep Jesus in our sights.

"Dear brothers, when I first came to you, I did not I did not proclaim God's message to you with lofty words and grandiose and grandiose thoughts, but I had resolved to focus solely on Jesus Christ Jesus Christ and his death on the cross." (1 Corinthians 2,2).

We as church leadership and staff team have a whole yes to this statement of Paul. 

Foreword from the seetal chile Poscht 09/19

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Matthias Altwegg


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