See crises as opportunities

published on Tuesday, 28 April 2020 by Matthias Altwegg
Frühling im Seetal

In the welcome to the first online service on 15 March 2020, a statement of mine included two points: We do not want to act out of fear and we want to see the crisis as an opportunity. as an opportunity. After now eight online services, 24 episodes of the iconic kid's theatre. "Die krassen 4", a few glow streams, a few online impulses and prayer videos it is time to take stock.

Have we taken advantage of the crisis? The word Crisis comes from the Greek. The verb krinein means to divorce, but, to separate. A crisis always requires a decision. What do you leave? What does one do? We made a conscious decision to set up a video studio so that we could worship connected with each other on Sunday. We also consciously wanted to reach out to all generations and, in a time of isolation, to see as many people as possible and hear their stories. The studio cost us Fr. 7.95 thanks to the incredible creativity of some of the staff.

Have we taken advantage of the crisis? Actually, you, dear readers, should answer this question. I, in my whitewashing, clearly answer yes. We have been taken out of our comfort zone. Our online services allow for shorter sermons - with the same content? But there is more time for processing in conversations and interviews. How many stories we would never have heard without Corona! If anything, the content of the services has increased.

The prayer video for sick, suffering and grieving people was viewed 416 times, and the one for our for our self-employed entrepreneurs 238 times. Would we normally stand together in solidarity as a congregation together as a congregation and stand up for other people before God?

Also as a team of employees we have moved closer together, as our areas of work suddenly overlap much more. overlap much more. It is not uncommon for the whole team to work in different on the same project. This has led to clashes and we have had to learn to approach each other again, to approach each other again. When our technicians worked until early in the morning morning, the next day we would often hear the sentence: We have made new new experiences. That is a very mature view in challenging times.

As a staff team, we are aware that not everything worked great from the beginning. For example, the image was too dark for a long time. The measures taken did not show any progress at first. In the meantime, however, this problem has been solved. Hasn't it? Maybe that all sounds too euphoric and not reflected enough to your ears. Perhaps. With these thoughts I want to convey that we are motivated at work and look forward like little children to the publication of our products.

However, it still feels very surreal to be a pastor without direct human contact. That's why I can hardly wait for the first live service after Corona. However, we will probably have to be patient for a while. I am very happy if you also use the crisis as an opportunity, remain a faithful online member of seetal chile and get in touch if we can do something for you!

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Matthias Altwegg


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