Through falls to humility

published on Tuesday, 1 September 2020 by Matthias Altwegg

Since I am having shoulder surgery tomorrow and will then be "writing handicapped". I'm going to start working on the foreword. This operation is the result of a fall with my bike on the Rigi. In my last sermon I mentioned the following biblical passage: "Before the fall, a man's heart is Before the fall, a man's heart is proud; and before he is honoured, he must be humble" (Proverbs 18:12 Lut).

Solomon says that it is through falls from pride to humility. This becomes wonderfully visible in the example of Joseph. As a As a teenager he was a proud and spoiled "goof" with airs and graces. The way The way he talked about his dreams was dripping with pride. Then followed 13 years of serious falls full of injustices and humiliations. At 30, his proud dreams became reality. He saved his people from from certain death by starvation. God honed his character and made him fit for a great calling. for a great calling.

With you and me, too, God wants to move something significant in this world. in this world. If this does not happen, it is not because God no longer gives us big dreams, but that we close ourselves off to the to the falls. Someone once said: Never waste a crisis. Life offers us many falls. The question is what we do with them. Do we see it a chance to grow into a healthy humble person? God wants to us from our high horse and use us as suitable tools for the building of his kingdom. of his kingdom. When this happens, a life takes on contour and colour. colour.

The fall on the Rigi is a symbol for me and reminds me, that I also want to see other falls as an opportunity. Never waste a crisis!

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Matthias Altwegg


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