On the phenomenon of "post-mortem torture

published on Saturday, 26 September 2020 by Matthias Altwegg
Vorwort sc Poscht_10_20

During time we were producing online services in the studio, various people - including myself various people - myself included - left the studio in disbelief. I wish I had worded that I had worded that passage a little better! If only I had been a little freer! Why did I forget that thought? After everything was in the can, I would have liked I would have liked to do it better.

It was precisely at this time that I read about the phenomenon of "post-mortem torture", which literally means "after-death torture". This torture becomes noticeable when, after a situation, one's thoughts run round and round and one bites off the on the unsuccessful moments. In the past, I experienced this to a much greater after every sermon I preached. You feel such a heaviness in your body and hopelessness in the soul. The past was now the past I could no longer change it with my musings.

If worries are futile attempts at control into the future, these If worries are futile attempts to control the future, these musings are attempts to control the past backwards. So often we think we think God is disappointed in us: we would - on God's behalf, as it were - have to to think about everything again and to get ready. This image of God does not correspond to the nature of Jesus, who revealed the heart of God to us. It is my own inner judge who has the sceptre in his hand here. We need not worry backwards or forwards, but may at all times know that know that Jesus will loosen what binds and burdens me. When I am weary and burdened, I can let Jesus save me. Again and again. He does not come He does not come to the end of saving.

I am convinced that the course "Living in Freedom" also addresses this point, among others. Jesus offers us a life in freedom!

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Matthias Altwegg


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