New structure at glow Kids and Ameisli

published on Friday, 2 October 2020 by Leonie Altwegg
glowKids_sc Poscht1

A new semester - a new structure. We from the glow Kids and Ameisli leadership team have a great passion to invest in children and children and to create a platform where children can deepen friendships and get to know God. The growing number of children motivated motivated us to put a lot of time into the preparations. Unfortunately, this made us realise realised that we are not enough leaders to put together a good programme every other week. programme every other week.

So we thought about how we could purify this part of the glow. can be streamlined. At the same time, we wanted to optimise the leader training training and to pay more attention to the support of mini-leaders. mini-leaders. As a result, we have decided to hold the afternoons only once a once a month and for longer. This has the advantage that we can meetings, have more time with the children and do not have to rush from one programme from one programme item to the next. We also hope that by minimising the we hope to attract more leaders to these events. In addition, we will start the day with a leader training session, as this day is planned anyway for leading Ameisli and Kids anyway. It is a pity that this reduces the the commitment, but the advantages of this structure outweigh the structure.

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Leonie Altwegg

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