glow Next - Did the Exodus really happen?

For the second time we are inviting Michael Zingg from Inspyred Research to join us at glow Next. Mike will be looking at "putting the Bible into context historically". Last time we looked at the grain storage theory as a possible explanation for the pyramids of Egypt - did Joseph really build them within a few years to store grain?
It will be similarly exciting on Friday, 11 December. The topic: How can we interpret the story of the Exodus from Egypt historically? What evidence can we still find today? Do the statements of the Bible agree with historical indications?
Mike is concerned with the reconciliation between science and faith, and wants to inspire Christians anew for this harmony. inspire.
We open the event to people of all ages. The number of places is limited to 50 - first come, first serve. A voluntary collection will be taken.
Arrival is at 19:30 and the lecture starts at 20:00..
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