Create living space

published on Monday, 1 March 2021 by Matthias Altwegg
Lebensraum_Blog_Februar 2021

"The church is a living space that encourages committed relationships with Jesus Christ and each other." This is the first value in the mission statement of seetal chile. In the online AGM of 25 February 2021, a project planning loan of Fr. 20,000 to create more living space was clearly approved.

The idea behind this wish is that we want to remain a relationship-oriented congregation even in our size. Especially people who are new to Jesus or to the church need the opportunity to network with others. Currently, many people go home after the service to avoid the crowds. To create more living space, we would like to expand our bistro.

One option would be to increase the height of the foyer for this purpose. In addition to a lot of bistro space, we would also have the possibility to create more office space, translation booths, rooms for kids and youth as well as technical space (video editing and audio for livestream). As a side effect, we would also have significantly more seats for "big days" such as Christmas parties, talks, etc.

It is now the task of the project team to be formed to think broadly and also to develop completely different expansion options, which we will then decide on as a community. The financing of the project is independent of our budget. We have to put together the CHF 20,000 separately in our building fund. This can be done either through the building fund account at the Hypothekarbank Lenzburg CH39 0830 7000 0156 6506 2 or through the budget account with the note "building fund". Only when the money is available will the project planning be started.

We would be very happy if you would support our common concern for a relational and family-oriented congregation in this way as well. Thank you very much!

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Axl (@guest_120)
4 March 2021 13:28

Great idea! Praise the Lord!

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Matthias Altwegg


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