Our services

Regarding the Corona regulations, we are currently waiting for the regulations of the Free Churches Association. We will inform you here in due time what this means for our Sunday services.
Every Sunday we celebrate with up to one hundred people at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in our church at seetal chile.
Here you can get an overview of what Sunday morning looks like:
From 08:45: Prayer for everyone in the lounge of the youth centre. You can join us there until shortly before the service and pray for the service and topics beyond.
09:15: For the first service from this time the door is for you open and we welcome you warmly.
09:30 Start of the first service with crèche and kigo. The language of the sermon is written in German, so that people speaking other languages can understand better.
11:00 am: Start of the second service. The language now changes to Swiss German.
Both services will be in the livestream transferred.
After the first service, we will give you a coffee or mineral to take away. After the second service, the bistro is in full operation, with the possibility of having a pizza or just a coffee in the seetal chile. Four people may sit at a table inside and six on the terrace.
Unfortunately, we have not yet been able to get rid of contact tracing and the mask requirement. Therefore, we are grateful if you continue to register.
We are very much looking forward to your visit to celebrate worship with you.
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