glow Kids builds rope bridge

After a week of heat, it was much cooler on Saturday 23 April. The weather forecasts even spoke of rain. But that didn't stop the kids from coming to glow Kids. Together we ran up the "Jungschistägeli" to arrive at the top out of breath. Then we built a rope bridge together. Buttons were diligently practised and old knowledge from the glow camp was brought out. The "tensioner" was used to tighten the rope, it was like pulling against the rope. A huge adventure!
When the bridge was finished, the kids could hardly wait to conquer their own fears and the rope bridge. Secured in a "Gschtältli", all the children were allowed to go there. and back once.
Afterwards we heard about our heroine Rahab. She didn't build a rope bridge, but she saved two spies of the Israelites and lowered them over a rope down the city wall. We heard that God has a mad plan, even if we sometimes no longer have a plan. To top it off, we had S`Mores from the fire before we had to start walking back.
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