Abentüür Gebät

published on Tuesday, 7. June 2022 by Mirjam Leimgruber
Tuesday, 21 June 2022 | 20:00 - 21:30

From the wide world back to our neighbourhood... At the coming Abentüür Gebät we want to concentrate entirely on our region. Our concern is to "listen to God" so that HIS will be done in our villages and towns; be it in the leadership/administration of the political communities, in the coexistence of generations and cultures; in the school system, etc.

We want to reach out for HIS work, HIS blessing for our region!

You can expect a short input, worship time and the opportunity to pray at various posts for the region close to you. You are also welcome to be blessed, to ask for prayer, for example for your being/serving in your neighbourhood, work team, circle of friends... Parallel to the prayer posts in the centre, you have the possibility to be part of a guided prayer walk through Seon and to pray together at different places in the village.

We are very happy if you join us!

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Mirjam Leimgruber

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