Baptisms in open water

Sunday, 23. June 2024 | 13:00 h
On 23 June 2024 at 13:00 we baptise in the Aabach. Some people have already registered to express their discipleship to Jesus Christ and to show their solidarity. Further candidates for baptism are very welcome.
Baptism is an expression of the desire to live one's life completely in trust in Jesus Christ. If you want to do this and have not yet been baptised, you can register for baptism using the form at the end of this blog. We are happy about every person who decides to take this step. The baptism preparation will take place on Monday 10 June at 20:00 in seetal chile.
As you can see on the map (picture below), the baptism will take place on Sunday at 13:00 in the Aabach. Unfortunately, the baptism site can only be reached on foot or by bike. In exceptional cases, a car may also be used.
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