Christmas parcel campaign 2024

published on Tuesday, 22. October 2024 by Martin Bolliger

Every year, tens of thousands of people from Switzerland give a parcel to people in need in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. In this way, the campaign sends a strong signal of solidarity with people in need. The Christmas parcel campaign is jointly organised by four Swiss aid organisations.

What do the parcels bring to the recipients?
Parcels are given to people living in extreme poverty or in very difficult life situations: families with many children, single parents, impoverished senior citizens, children in schools or care homes, people with health problems or disabilities. For them, a Christmas parcel is a great gift that will be remembered for a long time. The recipients are deeply touched that someone is thinking of them and has put together a parcel with valuable and useful items for them. Many families can barely afford toiletries, notebooks or toys for their children because they only have enough money for the bare essentials.
The Christmas parcels are usually distributed as part of aid projects that run throughout the year. This ensures that contact with the people receiving the gifts continues beyond Christmas.

Why Christmas parcels from Switzerland?
The parcels create a very special connection between the giver and the recipient. The campaign creates the opportunity to make a practical and tangible commitment to disadvantaged people.

Where are the parcels distributed and how do they get there?
Our destination countries are Albania, Bulgaria, Kosovo, Serbia, Moldova, Romania, Estonia, Belarus and Ukraine. The Christmas parcels are loaded into lorries at regional transport bases throughout Switzerland and driven to our partners in Eastern Europe. The distribution is organised by our local partners on the ground, who speak the language, know the culture and also visit the people in need afterwards.

I would like to take part, how does that work?
Pack all the products listed on the flyer in a sturdy cardboard box (available at seetal chile from the end of October) and wrap it in strong wrapping paper. You can then bring the parcel to seetal chile in the youth centre 😊. Each parcel must be labelled as a children's or adult parcel. Appropriate adhesive labels are available.

Further information on: www.weihnachtspä

The collection point in seetal chile is open from 3 to 17 November 2024 on Tuesdays, 08:30 - 11:30, and on Sundays after the church service.

Thank you so much for taking part. The recipients will be delighted!

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Martin Bolliger

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