We are there for each other

In the Odyssey saga by the Greek writer Homer Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and at the same time the educator, teacher and advisor to Telemach, Odysseus' son. While his father went to war against Troy and had to endure many dangerous adventures on his voyages across the seas, Mentor Mentor took care of his son Telemach. Even though the the Trojan War is long over, Mentor's importance has endured to this day. to this day: People stand by other people in various topics and life situations, advising and and situations in life. In the seetal chile, too, there is some mentoring in the form of life counselling, coaching and pastoral care.
We are currently in the process of of people who are active as mentors with us. At the launch meeting despite some absences, about 25 people showed up! The networking of the mentors should help us to provide better support for people seeking advice. people seeking advice.
What is it needed for? The aim, true to theme of the year "welcome home" is to become more at home in God's house. God's house. In this "nesting process" we sometimes face obstacles that we cannot obstacles that we cannot overcome ourselves. That is where we need each other. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is said to have said: "The Christ in the brother is stronger than the Christ in me."The many "one another" passages in the Bible testify to this truth. of this truth: Put one another in order, bear one another's burdens (Galatians 6:1f), bear with one another, forgive one another (Colossians 3:13), edify one another (1Thessalonians 5:11), encourage one another to believe (Hebrews 3:12-14), encourage one another to hope, confess your sins to one another. hope, confess your sins to one another (James 5:16), etc.
By the way, mentoring already happened mentoring already happened in the times of the first churches. Paul was always on the road with a group of people who he challenged and encouraged. Aquila and Priscilla were also such a "mentoring couple". "mentoring couple". They took in the enthusiastic and eloquent Apollos to show him the way of God. and eloquent Apollos to explain the way of God to him in more detail (Acts 18:24ff).
It is of great concern to us that we can become more at home with the heavenly Father together. That is why we promote mentoring in our congregation.
Foreword from the seetal chile Poscht 07 and 08/19
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