How is an online service created?

How are our online church services actually created, what does it take and how do we as seetal chile go about it? Perhaps you've been asking yourself exactly that over the last few weeks? We would like to introduce you to our new everyday life and are now taking you behind our camera:
On Monday, we discuss the content, objectives and schedule for the upcoming day of filming. We have until Friday to make all the preparations and invite interview guests.
On Friday we start at 07:30 with a time of prayer prayer time together. At 09:00 we start with the filming. Our video studio is deliberately designed for different applications - for example for impulses, talks and a kids' programme. During the whole day of filming studio is therefore constantly being rebuilt: Lighting setups are moved around, different microphones are installed, camera positions and lenses are changed and of course everything is always adapted to the respective people.
We finish just before dinner. Still the post-production of all audio tracks takes place on the same day. Each track is listened to and professionally edited. On Saturday morning, the editing editing work begins. We normally work on two different productions in parallel. productions in parallel. All the clips are lined up and edited, texts are and transitions are inserted. And of course all the colours are edited.
It was particularly challenging to edit the video so that it looked as good as possible on most screens. To do this, we tested around six different versions on different screens last week.
We have been actively supported by volunteers since the very beginning of the productions. Thank you very much Lea Fischer, Timon Altwegg, Jonas Hauser, Yanick Altwegg and Joachim Walter!
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