WhatsApp under fire?!

Currently, the media are making big headlines calling on people to leave WhatsApp and use an alternative messenger for communication instead. You may also have received an impulse to do so from a friend. What is behind this and why is seetal chile now also publishing an article on the topic? We see it as our responsibility as a church to take a stand on this issue.
What happened?
In our latitudes, WhatsApp is the most popular messenger app of all. You can reach practically anyone on WhatsApp. Since its first release in 2009, however, a lot has happened that has increasingly weakened trust in the company. For example, WhatsApp has since been taken over by Facebook and is heavily criticised for the reuse and commercialisation of user data. In addition, the security of the service is criticised in many respects. It would be too much to go into detail here. You can find relevant information in current media reports.
What is clear, however, is that WhatsApp has recently published new terms of use and is thus asking every person to agree to them. Without consent, it will not be possible to continue using the service. This is precisely the crux of the matter: the terms of use raise many questions in a society that has become more sensitive about privacy and data protection. For example, the longer it goes on, the more it is assumed that WhatsApp passes on user data to Facebook & co. in order to use it for advertising purposes, among other things. In addition, WhatsApp passes on data protection obligations to users so that they do not have to comply with them in case of emergency.
So it can be said indisputably: Man, with all his doing and being, has become a product. We pay for our everyday communication via the popular messenger by disclosing personal information that is actually worth protecting.
Communication in the seetal chile
The seetal chile lives from communication between people - especially for the countless volunteers, the exchange of messages is an important means. The current wave of information on the subject of WhatsApp has prompted us to consider whether we want to/can agree in principle to its further development and what influence this decision will have on us as a church.
There are two fundamental issues at stake:
- To what extent can we represent the further development of WhatsApp from an ethical point of view and how much personal information do we give away?
- Is the way WhatsApp processes our data compatible with our values on data protection? More about our current process regarding data protection
We classify the continued use of WhatsApp as "unreasonable". We will be happy to explain in detail how we came to this decision on request. Please use the comment function below this post.
This statement is also intended to reinforce that we as a church see ourselves as having a responsibility to represent exemplary values within our society.
What next?
We want to stimulate thinking and raise awareness. Which messenger - WhatsApp or an alternative - you want to use in the future is up to you.
Nevertheless: With regard to seetal chile, the situation has become more complex. For example, we now regularly receive messages from people encouraging them to switch to a personally preferred alternative (Telegram, Threema, Signal, ...). This makes it immensely more difficult to reach a specific person, as it now has to be determined which service someone is using. It is particularly difficult in group chats with staff when people suddenly leave and leave a team incomplete.
We recommend: Threema
On the one hand, we want to stand up to WhatsApp and not continue as before; on the other hand, it would be desirable for the social environment (especially in the seetal chile) to decide in favour of a common messenger. This will probably never be completely possible, but we want to encourage you to join in.
After an extensive analysis, we are of the opinion that switching to Threema makes sense. Compared to other services, Threema scores mainly with:
- Messages are encrypted end-to-end (incl. bypass protection) and deleted immediately after successful delivery on the transmission server (no long-term storage).
- Threema is a Swiss company that cultivates a sustainable corporate culture.
- All Threema servers are located in specially operated data centres in Switzerland.
- Threema is the only provider that allows anonymous use (without providing contact details).
- All software components of Threema are open source. This means that anyone can check what exactly Threema does when using the app. Regular independent audits confirm the quality of the technical implementation.
You can use Threema either in the App Store (iOS) or in the Google Play Store (Android). When downloading Threema, a one-time fee of Fr. 3.- is due, which can be paid via the mobile phone bill, by entering an anonymous voucher code or by credit card.
For opponents of paid apps: This is not a subscription or anything like that, but a one-time investment in a Swiss company that is not financed by advertising revenue. And let's be honest: we quickly spend hundreds of francs on a smartphone, so we should also be prepared to pay the modest price of a cup of coffee for the messenger we use every day.
In the spirit of our reorganisation in the direction of agility (cf. this contribution), we are also working on creating a way for groups to communicate with each other more easily. Since there are constantly many changes within the staff teams and these in turn are complexly interconnected, traditional group chats are no longer suitable for communicating with each other. We will provide more information on this at the appropriate time.
For private chats and already existing groups, we recommend switching to Threema (see above).
Where can you be found?
The fact that many people now prefer different messenger services does not exactly make it easy to communicate directly and quickly. As the seetal chile staff team, we have therefore decided that in future we will increasingly proceed according to the following scheme: We try to reach a person via Threema and alternatively resort to communication via SMS/email/phone.
With this in mind, I hope you enjoy chatting!
Side note: By the way, we are not sponsored by Threema, but simply want to set a sign 😉
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Can it be that the new regulations really do not affect us Europeans, as one can read in various places?
(Ex. from Bluewin: The new regulations grant owner Facebook the right to transfer even more data from WhatsApp itself. However, this does not affect Swiss usersbecause a different privacy policy applies in Europe than in the rest of the world).
Hello Eveline Thank you for your question! In order to make a clear statement as to in which case the various data protection regulations apply, the opinion of a lawyer would be necessary. In principle, however, the jurisdiction in the company's country of domicile applies. In the case of WhatsApp, this is the USA. Regardless of the legal situation, it is practically impossible to determine which data WhatsApp processes internally or even passes on. One thing is clear: WhatsApp has the data on user behaviour because the app does not have the technical basis for anonymous communication. WhatsApp's servers are also located in the USA. This means that user behaviour, contact lists, group constellations and chat histories are all things that are stored on WhatsApp servers.... Read more "
It's brilliant that you as a church are speaking out on this issue and taking up the cudgels for a reliable Swiss app!
I would say we communicate with carrier pigeons......back to the roots......
I also think it is great that you as a church are taking a stand and setting an example. I wish you and others that as many as possible switch to Threema and leave Whatsapp behind....
I understand this, but on the other hand I find it completely exaggerated. Stories like this arise when there are too many success envious people in this world (e.g. the success of Facebook and WhatsApp). I think that anyone who deletes WhatsApp should also say goodbye to their smartphone (e.g. back to the Nokia 6610). ? ). Does everyone know all the terms of use of all the apps that are used on their own mobile phone? I've been with Threema for a while now, but I'll definitely continue with WhatsApp as well.
Thank you, Sergio, for your contribution! I can concede success to any company, provided it has been earned honestly. Power can be exercised for the wrong purpose with the information made available through business (in WhatsApp's case, user data). This is what is happening with WhatsApp. The real purpose of WhatsApp was originally to be an innovative messenger for society. But there hasn't been much of the messenger's (technical) innovations in recent years. My contention is: collecting user data has now become the main purpose of the app. Missed the mark. It is sold under the scam "Your... Read more "
Simi, thank you for this detailed, well-founded statement. Up to now, the whole storm has been too stupid for me; who is supposed to see through which service is useful! The search alone has frustrated me! But I will now gladly follow your advice and opt for Threema for the time being - I consider the fact that it is a ? app to be the absolute non plus ultra and I am happy to pay the 3Fr! I am even more grateful that you are always available to our community as a specialist in word and deed?
I'm glad - thank you for your contribution, Sina! ?
Thank you very much for the detailed info on Whats App. I wanted to download Threema right away and there are different apps. Which one is it? I have already downloaded one and am now getting dating offers ?
That was probably the wrong thing to do. ?
Dear greetings
Hello Andrea
The version for the iPhone can be downloaded here: https://itunes.apple.com/de/app/threema/id578665578?mt=8&uo=4&at=10lJMu
And that would be the version for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ch.threema.app
Dear Simi
Thank you very much. I have now loaded the right one. ?
Hello Simon
Thank you very much for your contribution.
I want to install Threema on my laptop (Windows 7). Which emulsifier would you recommend? I have now installed BlueStacks, but I'm not sure if that was a good choice...
An upgrade to Windows 10 is also not to be ruled out 😉
Hello Ruth
If you want to use Threema on your smartphone as well as on your computer, you can do this on your computer via Threema Web access it. A real multi-device installation is not yet possible, but access via Threema Web is really practical.
If you don't have Threema installed on your smartphone but still want to use it on your computer, it would certainly be possible to start up an Android emulator (e.g. BlueStacks). But I wonder if this is not overkill. ?
Good news: Threema has announced multi-device support (and thus presumably real apps for Windows and macOS). See this article.
This whole thing is a huge overreaction in my opinion, and these small changes are not worth having to install a separate messenger app for each contact. Whatsapp will still be end-to-end encrypted, which protects your messages just as well as most other messenger apps. If you don't want to be tracked by facebook you have to: Delete your instagram account and uninstall the app Delete your facebook account and uninstall the app Set the cookie settings on each website to disallow tracking cookies (this still doesn't guarantee that facebook can't track you).... Read more "
I think Threema is great! Congratulations on this suggestion.