A little trip around the world

Tuesday, 26 April 2022 | 8:00 - 9:30 pm
As part of the next Abentüür Building on 26 April, we will go on a little trip around the world together: It will take us from the OM Office Switzerland via Turkey and Bulgaria to Central Asia! We want to dedicate this evening entirely to our friends in the field (FiA) and those close to them. We will learn many interesting things about their current situation in the country, about their immersion in the culture there, about their heartfelt concerns for their neighbours and the people they serve there. We want to thank God together for his work in these places and through FiA, and we want to make ourselves one in prayer that God's will for these countries will break through and his kingdom will be built. We also want to stand together for the challenges that our FiAs have to face every day, that they may be strengthened in them and experience God's faithfulness.
You can expect all the interesting information, times of prayer and worship at the end of the evening, as well as a surprise. We are very happy if you are part of it!
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