Together with our neighbours

Looking over our own fence again is fun and broadens our horizons. We are promoting this by organising three events with our neighbouring churches from 10 - 15 January 2023. The theme for the whole week is "Joy - so that my joy may fill you completely".
We offer the following events:
Tuesday, 10 January 8:00 pm: Prayer evening in the parish hall Seengen. Door opening and welcome aperitif from 7:30 pm.
Thursday, 12 January 20:00: Lecture evening "Faith as a source of joy in life" in the parish hall of Seon. The well-known pastor Fredy Staub has made a name for himself over decades as a courageous and humorous counsellor. He will give us food for thought about what faith and humour have to do with each other. Doors open and welcome aperitif from 7:30 pm.
Sunday, 15 January 10:00 a.m.: Service with a sermon by Matthias Altwegg on the theme of "Sow with tears - reap with joys" in the parish hall Dürrenäsch. The service will be enriched by the gospel choir Gospel-ON. There are special offers for children from 0 - 12 years.
The following churches are participating: Ref. Kirchgemeinde Seon, seetal chile Seon, Ref. Kirche Boniswil, Egliswil, Hallwil, Seengen, Ref. Kirchgemeinde Leutwil-Dürrenäsch, Ref. Kirchgemeinde Meisterschwanden-Fahrwangen.
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