Worship in the evening

Sunday, 21 May 2023 | 7:00 pm
In the next "plain and simple" service in the evening, we will look at the theme of vocation and discipleship through the life story of Nicola Staehelin.
God met Nicola during his stay abroad - his life has changed since then. Now he wants to live his everyday life in uncompromising discipleship. How did this change come about? And what will happen next? In conversation we get a deeper insight into Nicola's "encounter with the very different" - come, be inspired and challenged. During the worship time there is the possibility for personal prayer, especially on the topic of vocation and discipleship.
Before the service, between 17:45 and 18:30, you can order a simple supper in our bistro and eat with good fellowship. After the service, the bistro is only open for drinks.
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