There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
That was the winter camp 23/24
From 27 December, we spent a few days in Lenzerheide with 80 teenagers and young people. It was a brilliant camp and we enjoyed our time together and with...
Small group concrete - Shepherds wanted
"Follow me!" is the theme of the seetal chile for 2024. The vessels in which discipleship is to become concrete are our small groups. That is why we are focussing on them and...
Worship in the evening
In the next "simply and poignantly" evening service, we will deal with the topic of alcohol addiction. In a personal experience report, a married woman and mother of two tells us how she...
Holiday week in South Tyrol 60+
Together with the tour operator Surprise and two of our Viva Kirchen neighbours (Beinwil am See and Reinach), we are organising an attractive 60+ holiday week in beautiful South Tyrol from 15.09.2024 - 21.09.2024. An...
Baking Grittibänz in the Kafi-Chnopf
... be ois im Ofe lieht e chline Maa, er het e warmi Chappe a ... The Kafi-Chnopf cordially invites you to bake Grittibänz on Friday morning, 1 December 2023...
Women's Advent walk
The Lichterweg in Aarau is unfortunately not open tonight due to the weather. However, anyone who feels like it can still come to seetal chile at 5.30pm for a cup of tea, something to nibble on and...