There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
Baking Grittibänz in the Kafi-Chnopf
... be ois im Ofe lieht e chline Maa, er het e warmi Chappe a ... The Kafi-Chnopf cordially invites you to bake Grittibänz on Friday morning, 6 December 2024,...
Christmas - personally affected
Let's celebrate Christmas together. In the Christmas story, we meet various characters. Together we will go behind the scenes and find out what this message meant to them personally. With...
Christmas Eve in the seetal chile
You are cordially invited to celebrate Christmas with us on 24 December! The evening starts with an aperitif from 17:30. Afterwards we will enjoy a Christmas dinner together with music and games....
Women's Advent walk
The organisers have cancelled the candlelight walk for tomorrow. Therefore, the women's Advent walk will unfortunately not take place. We wish you a blessed Advent season. We'll try again this year and hope that...
Contributors wanted for seetal chile Christmas party!
On 22 December 2024, we celebrate Christmas together. We dive behind the scenes and experience what this message has triggered in the various actors. For this we are looking for you, your...
Ferienplausch 2025 - contributors wanted
Vom 8.-11. April 2025 verwandelt sich die seetal chile wieder in ein Kinderparadies. In dieser Zeit findet der legendäre Ferienplausch statt. In dieser Woche erleben die Kinder eine geniale Zeit…