There's a lot going on at seetal chile - find out more about special events, courses, campaigns and camps.
Sisterhood Barbecue evening
Finally, the time has come again and we are looking forward to spending the next Sisterhood evening with you on Friday, 21 August. We will meet punctually at 18:00 at the...
Course "Living in Freedom
The goal of a life with Jesus is not only to go to heaven. No, heaven is to come into the world through Christians. The life of Jesus is to be lived in...
What's next for glow?
Everything is starting up again at glow, too. Already at the beginning of this year, the team leaders and I gave a lot of thought to how we wanted to develop glow further. In February we met...
glow Ameisli and Kids on 6 June 2020
After a slightly different, but brilliant Kids and Ameisli afternoon, we continue with the interest groups. So that we don't have too many people together, we'll be organising our afternoon in the following groups.
Autumn Camp 2020
This year it's time again! We are travelling to Spain together for a week - enjoying the sea, playing volleyball, visiting markets and seeking encounters with God. The autumn camp takes place...
glow Ameisli and Kids - creative start to Corona
Corona times call for creative solutions. We sat down together and thought about the framework in which we could organise the glow Ameisli and Kids. That's when we came up with the old concept...