Armenia - a country in need

Thursday, 17 February 2022 | 2:30 pm
A Generation+ event* with Stephan Schneider.
Armenia still suffers greatly from the consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union. The devastating earthquake of 1988, the ongoing conflict and the recently reignited war with neighbouring Azerbaijan over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, as well as the tense relationship with Turkey, weigh heavily on the Armenian people. That is why Armenia is still one of the poorest countries in this region.
Diaconia International Aid has been working for countries like Armenia for more than 40 years. It promotes the entry into society and professional life of disadvantaged and needy children and families. In doing so, it creates conditions that enable those in need to lead independent and dignified lives. It is not only the aid it provides that is geared towards long-term change, but also the interpersonal communication of values such as love of one's neighbour, intercession as well as giving hope and courage.
This afternoon, Stephan Schneider will take us on a journey to the first Christian country in the world. Stephan has been married to Marianne for almost 33 years and is the father of 4 grown-up children. In the summer of 2021, he was elected Executive Director at Diaconia International Aid, a task that gives him a lot of joy and in which he is able to give gifts to countless people. Stephan is a member of seetal chile.
You are cordially invited to this event with a snack. We would be happy to have you join us, and we would also be happy to pick you up for this event. Please call us if we can help you with this: Tel. 062 552 07 00
* People with above-average life experience
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