Small group concrete - Shepherds wanted

published on Tuesday, 2. January 2024 by Matthias Altwegg

"You follow me!" is the theme of the seetal chile for 2024. The vessels in which discipleship is to become concrete are our small groups. That is why we are focussing on them and calling them KGK (Kleingruppe konkret).

How can concrete discipleship take place in a small group? We believe that shepherds have a crucial role to play here. We will therefore suspend our small groups between the sports and spring holidays and instead invest in future shepherds on the small group evenings listed in the agenda (13 and 27 February / 12 and 26 March). We are now looking for new potential shepherds for this wonderful task in addition to those already active. If you would like to get to know this kind of work, you are cordially invited to the four meetings. In the course of the training and after a final interview, you will be given clear criteria to find out whether this task matches your personality and talents. Talk to your current shepherd or to us if you are unsure whether you should enrol. And then - register by 29 January 2024!

Small groups that would like to meet without their shepherd during these two months are welcome to do so. The registration process for new members who would like to become part of a small group will then begin in March. The new KGK era will start on 30 April.

Registration is no longer possible.
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Matthias Altwegg


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