Worship in the evening

published on Thursday, 7. November 2024 by Cédric Brügger
2024_11_24_Gottesdienst am Abend
Sunday, 24 November 2024 | 19:00 h

A married couple experience every parent's worst nightmare. One of their adult sons dies in an accident. In the face of death, they both encounter God and draw new hope from him. In this service, J&B Z. tell how they dealt with this loss and how Jesus changed their lives forever.

During the worship part we will pray specifically for healing of illnesses as well as for all other intentions. We would be happy if we could do this for you too!

Before the service, you can buy a delicious evening meal in our bistro and enjoy good company. For organisational reasons, we would be grateful if you could place your order at the counter between 18:00 and 18:30.

After the service, the bistro is still open for drinks.

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Cédric Brügger

Pastor focus on youth

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