Do you want to "discover the Bible?"

Do you want more growth in your faith? Would you like to discover and share the Bible with other Christians on a regular basis? Every fortnight we give you the opportunity to do this and we would be happy if more people took advantage of this offer.
Currently one group meets on Wednesday afternoons and the other on Thursday evenings. We are happy to welcome anyone who would like to join our group and continue to discover the Bible with us.
If you are interested, please contact me or the seetal chile office directly.
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Freed from constraints and fears
Early in her childhood, she was clearly told that she was nothing and that she was to blame for the marital problems of her...
Whitsun camp - Daniel in the lion's den
We are really looking forward to this year's Whitsun camp! We will be following in the footsteps of Daniel and would like to...
Hello, when exactly is the next bible meeting on Thursday, 3 June at 8pm?
Exactly! At 8.00 pm in the plenum of the youth centre on the ground floor. Duration until approx. 21.30 hrs.