God loves you unconditionally!

We are already a third of a year into the theme of "metamorphosis". Suddenly the thought spread through me that the claim of the transformation of our being could also exert pressure. Do we have to become more like Jesus in order to please Him?
The answer, expressed in images of the year's theme, is: God loves a larva and a caterpillar as much as a butterfly; His heart beats for frogspawn and for a tadpole as fiercely as for a frog. God loves publicans, harlots and other moral failures to the same degree as longstanding human beings already transformed to a great extent into His image. The reason for this incomprehensible, unconditional love is that God himself is love (1 John 4:8,16). Love cannot but love, just as a dromedary cannot but be a dromedary.
This fact alone has something immensely liberating about it. We do not have to bend or perform in order to be loved by the highest authority. We do not have to have undergone a metamorphosis to be respected and appreciated by the King of kings. A metamorphosis is not a condition to be loved by God, but is our calling.
As people loved by God, we are called to dance to his music and bring heaven to earth. This is done by looking at Jesus: "But we all, with unveiled face, reflect the glory of the Lord, and we are being transformed into his image from glory to glory by the Lord who is the Spirit" (2 Corinthians 3:18). The glory of God is His character, His way. In metamorphosis a person will take on and represent more of God's character.
This is not about whether a person is saved and has eternal life, but about the beauty of discipleship and making sense of our lives. The meaning of life is to dance to God's music and to live together with Him His programme of government, which can be succinctly and aptly described by the words mercy and humility, in this world.
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