Contributors wanted for seetal chile Christmas party!

On 22 December 2024, we celebrate Christmas together. We will dive behind the scenes and experience what this message has triggered in the various actors. We are looking for you, your family, friends or you as a small group.
The theme of this year's Christmas party is "Christmas - personally affected". We meet many people in the Christmas story. Their role is known to many. This year, we want to immerse ourselves in the story and experience how the various protagonists told their family and/or friends at home about what they had experienced.
Everything culminates in the encounter in the temple. Simeon waited eagerly for the arrival of the promised Saviour. When he sees Jesus, he takes him in his arms and says: "Lord, now I can die in peace! As you promised me, I have seen the Saviour whom you have given to all people. He is a light that will reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!" (Luke 2:29-32 NLB). When people meet Jesus Christ, they can die in peace, because he is the Saviour for all people.
Here you will find a short description of the scenes. There will be a song in between and a short sermon at the end. The main rehearsal will take place on 21 December from 9:00-11:00 am. The service on 22 December will not be livestreamed.
Would you like to be an important part of our Christmas party? Then register now using the form below and briefly outline what you have in mind (theatre, poetry slam, film, etc.). Thank you for your help:-) The aim is for the statements in the scenes to become one big story. It is therefore helpful to discuss the scenes with Cédric Brügger beforehand.
Scene 1 - Joseph on the building site: Joseph has just learnt that his fiancée is pregnant. But the angel meets him and tells him to stay with Mary. He now describes this event from his perspective to his work colleagues on the building site.
Background: Matthew 1:18-25
Scene 2 - Mary visits Zechariah & Elizabeth: Zacharias can no longer speak. Elizabeth and Mary are both pregnant with a child promised by an angel. When Mary comes into the house, the child jumps in Elizabeth's womb. This scene is about Zechariah trying to explain why he can no longer speak. Mary also tells him what has happened to her.
Background: Luke 2:5-45
Scene 3 - The wise man sets off on his journey: A stargazer in the east has seen a sign in the sky. Now he plans his journey. But first he has to convince his family. This scene takes place at the dinner table at home, for example. There is a discussion with the wife, children and friends about the necessity of this journey.
Scene 4 - No room in the stable & birth in the stable: Mary and Joseph set off for Bethlehem, where they cannot find a place in the inn and only find a place in the stable. This is where Mary gives birth to the child.
Background: Luke 2:1-7
Scene 5 - Angels bring good news: The shepherds are in the field with their sheep. They are surprised by the light, but accept the angels' message. They go to the stable and find the child there. They are overwhelmed with joy.
Background: Luke 2:8-20
Scene 6 - Herod is worried: Herod received a visit from astrologers. The message from them has worried him. Now he tells his family and friends about the incident. As this visit was some time ago, they make an ominous decision.
Background: Matthew 2:1-12; 16-18
Scene 7 - Simeon can die in peace: Simeon and Hannah were in the temple. They meet Jesus and this changes everything for them. Simeon can now die in peace and Hannah praises God and tells everyone about Jesus. Both now tell their families and friends what they have experienced.
Background: Luke 2:25-40
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