Being a Christian

Recently someone from the seetal chile drew my attention to the following text by Maria Hüsing: To be familiar with sorrow, but to live without bitterness To doubt oneself, but not to despair To feel God's hiddenness painfully and yet to believe hopefully To know one's own guilt and yet to stand in grace To lack some things and yet to have everything...

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The main thing is to be healthy!

On 13 June, the next seetal chile Talk will take place during the 7 p.m. service on the topical and explosive subject of "The main thing is to be healthy! The discussion partner is a man who is very familiar with illness, health and death, namely the oncologist Andreas Jakob. Is it really the main thing that we are healthy? Why do we experience so little healing, even though the...

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Baptism in open water

Next Sunday, 27 June at 13:30, we will have a big baptism celebration at Hübelholz. It is a privilege that 11 people will be baptised in the Aabach, so why not be part of this celebration? You can park at the indoor swimming pool, in Oholten or at the Catholic church and then walk within a few minutes to the...

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The Marriage Course

Seven date nights for your relationship - that's the slogan for familylife's marriage course. This course offers couples the opportunity to invest in their relationship over seven evenings in a romantic setting. A delicious dessert is served each evening. Exciting presentations provide impulses for everyday life and suggestions for conversation as a married couple....

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Our co-pastor

We are happy to announce that we will have a new co-pastor from summer 2021, who will be responsible for youth work and adult ministry. Cédric Brügger (29) applied in response to our advertisement. During the process of getting to know each other and applying, we came to the mutual conviction that Cédric would be a very good fit for us at seetal chile. Before...

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God loves you unconditionally!

We are already a third of a year into the theme of "metamorphosis". Suddenly the thought spread through me that the claim of the transformation of our being could also exert pressure. Do we have to become more like Jesus in order to please Him? The answer, expressed in images of the annual theme, is: God loves a larva and a caterpillar just as much as...

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Getting to know each other

The get-to-know-you evening on 7 May 2021 at 7:30 pm is an event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event should help them to find their way better into the community. For this to happen...

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Senior Citizens' Day 2021 in Seon

On 4 May 2021, we will be broadcasting the St. Chrischona Theological Seminary Seniors' Day at seetal chile. The livestream will start at 2:30 pm. So that we are ready for the start, we will already meet at 2:15 pm. Topic: "When the Unexpected Upsets Our Lives" Again and again people in life are caught off guard by unexpected events. An accident,...

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How does leadership work?

How do you run a church like seetal chile is? How much democracy is needed? How much power does the church leadership have to act? What does the Bible say about these questions? Let us say this much in advance: The Bible says very little about the decision-making processes in a church. When I read the Pastoral Epistles (Timothy and Titus) and Acts 20...

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Personal metamorphosis project

Tackling a personal metamorphosis project (PMP) together with others in an inspiring setting and under competent guidance - could that be something for you? Reni Wick was able to gather a lot of experience at a pastoral care centre and would like to start such a group. It could be a discussion group that meets on a regular basis....

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Acting out of faith

With the theme of the transformation of our being, the metamorphosis, the exciting question arises: what does God do and what must man do. "Be transformed in your being!" This is a passive voice with the imperative mode. The imperative shows us that we are to strive for transformation, knowing that we...

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Create living space

"The church is a living space that encourages committed relationships with Jesus Christ and each other." This is the first value in the mission statement of seetal chile. In the online AGM of 25 February 2021, a project planning loan of Fr. 20,000 to create more living space was clearly approved. The idea behind this wish is that we can also live in...

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Small groups to promote metamorphosis

Every spring, our small groups make a pit stop. This gives each group the opportunity to take stock of where they are and to decide whether they want to continue in the same way or whether interventions are needed. At the same time, new people can easily join at this stop. In the spirit of our annual theme, the small groups should focus even more on the...

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We do not live towards dying, but die towards life

Meanwhile, we are already in the middle of the new theme for the year. I am fascinated by the idea of metamorphosis, the transformation of our being into Jesus-likeness. I myself was somewhat surprised by the discovery that this does not just happen smoothly, but comes at a high price, namely our lives. The new life is not simply grafted on,...

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The annual motto for 2021 is: "Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful" (Luke 6:36). The standard for our mercy should therefore be the mercy of the Father. And God, our Father, is enormously merciful (e.g. Psalm 103:8). An excessive demand!? Of course, if I look at my modest possibilities. Of course not, if I look at God's possibilities....

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We, in the midst of Corona....

For more than seven months now, we have been challenged to find the right protection concept for us as a church. In the process, we are making interesting experiences. After each decision, there are individual people who struggle. Some don't want to register, others scoff at the mask requirement. Some are very afraid themselves, others talk about the fact that we as...

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Information about our worship service

As of 03 November 2020 Corona measures will apply from 29 October. We will face these and try to use the remaining free space constructively and creatively. Worship services, kigo, crèche and bistro We are happy to be able to continue to hold worship services with visitors - even if, in addition to the staff, there may only be 50. In order to...

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On the phenomenon of "post-mortem torture

During the time when we were producing online services in the studio, various people - including me - left the studio grumbling. If only I had worded that passage a little better! If only I had been a little freer! Why have I forgotten this thought? After everything was in the can, I would have liked to have done it better. Exactly at that time...

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Through falls to humility

Since I will be having shoulder surgery tomorrow and will then be "writing handicapped", I am already getting to work on the preface. This operation is the result of a fall with my bike on the Rigi. In my last sermon I mentioned the following biblical passage: "Before the fall a man's heart is proud; and before...

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Getting to know each other

The Get-to-know-you morning on 12 September at 9:00 a.m. is an event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this is to provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event is to help them find their way better into the community. In order for this to happen,...

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Abentüür Gebät

Praying together is a joy and has great power. We believe that praying together must be the basis of all our work in seetal chile. Therefore we are very happy about every single person who supports us in prayer and takes part in the "Abentüür Gebät" on 18 August at 20:00. "Abentüür Gebät" is the name...

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Men's Event at the Sandstone Caves

Networking, active recreation, fellowship and a cosy evening among men. All this awaits you on Saturday, 29 August 2020. We will meet at 18:00 in the seetal chile to start our next men's event. First, we will march to the sandstone caves in Gränichen (approx. 1.5 hours) and then spend a cosy evening in...

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Reconciled with God

Humans are made for healthy relationships. While every pack of cigarettes warns that smoking threatens life, it is less well known that loneliness increases the likelihood of premature death by 42%, a researcher writes. Loneliness is toxic. It is less about whether you are single or in a partnership. It's about the...

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Live streaming - are you there?

With our online services, people could participate in our services who would not have been there in the presence service. On the one hand, these are senior citizens and on the other hand people who want to get to know seetal chile anonymously. In addition, we assume that even after the lockdown has been opened, many people will stay in touch with us for a long time.

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See crises as opportunities

In the welcome to the first online service on 15 March 2020, a statement of mine included two points: We do not want to act out of fear and we want to see the crisis as an opportunity. After eight online services, 24 episodes of the iconic children's theatre "Die krassen 4", some glow streams, a few online impulses and...

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Focusing our gaze on God

This morning (21 March 2020), I read the day's reading. It reads: "The Lord says: I will give peace in your land, and you will sleep and no one will startle you" (Deuteronomy 26:6). In the New Life Bible, the heading above the passage is "The Blessings for Obedience". This title inevitably reminded me of our theme for the year....

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Pit stop before the next lap

They say, "The bigger a congregation gets, the more important the small groups are." That is probably true. In the small groups people should find a home and grow in their spiritual life. It is our concern that in the small groups people who have not been part of the congregation for long can network with "more experienced" people, grow and...

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Sometimes strong sometimes weak

Recently someone wrote the following lines: With a VW bus full of people, he was looking for the way back to the hostel at night. Norway, narrow road over steep fjords. Storm and heavy rain. The windscreen wipers overloaded. The narrow coastal road over the cliffs without crash barriers. And then the lights failed on his car. What now? Stand still?...

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"Abentüür Gebät"

Praying together is a joy and has great power. We believe that praying together must be the basis of all our work in seetal chile. Therefore we are very happy about every single person who supports us in prayer and takes part in the "Abentüür Gebät" on 23 June at 20:00. "Abentüür Gebät" is the name...

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"Thank you so much!"

The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in cooperation or simply in benevolent participation. A lot of important things happen in secret. At a party on 15 February, we, the church leadership, would like to thank you warmly and present you with a dinner and cheerful entertainment. Sometimes...

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Alliance events in 2020

Relations with our neighbouring parishes are important to us. We are part of the Evangelical Alliance Unteres Seetal with great conviction. Together with four surrounding regional churches we have planned the following events: 15 January at 8 pm (from 7.30 pm aperitif): We meet in the parish hall Dürrenäsch and pray together. We do this in different ways,...

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Like you and me

This is the seetal chile's theme for 2020. Will you join us on the journey? "I will bless you and you shall be a blessing" (according to Genesis 12:2). This promise from God was given to Abraham, the father of many nations. God demanded an incredible departure from him: he was to leave his homeland, where he had already...

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A healthy identity

Recently I talked to a man who was a pastor for years but now runs a practice for life and health counselling and coaching. He said that in his counselling sessions he rarely meets people who have an anchored identity in Christ and live accordingly, although he counsels a lot of Christians. He sees this as the main cause for many...

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Homeless and yet at home

On Sunday, 22 December at 10:00 a.m. we will all celebrate Christmas together - children and adults - with lunch. We cordially invite you, your family, friends and acquaintances! The original Christmas story revolves around the theme of home and homelessness. Through children's theatre, short inputs, discussion and songs accompanied by children, we will explore the...

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Parameters for health

In the last issue I promised parameters for this issue that are much more meaningful for the health of a congregation than its size. Michael Frost, an Australian theologian, lists the following criteria: The number of people reporting improved marriages over time. The number of people who report improved friendships over...

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Gaby Wentland comes to us

On 23/24 November, seetal chile will host two memorable events that will make you think and get under your skin: Saturday, 23 November 2019 at 19:30: "Human trafficking on my doorstep? What can I do concretely to help?" Sunday, 24 November 2019 at 10:00 a.m.: "Un-Justice" On both occasions, Gaby Wentland will speak...

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What is healthy grows all by itself

Recently, I have been confronted a few times with the question of whether seetal chile necessarily still needs to grow. After I preached in August on the "Great Commission" from Matthew 28, some believed that it was all about the church growing. Obviously, I have been saying this verbally and non-verbally for the last few years....

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Changing the world introvertedly

On 22 September at 10:00 a.m., Dr. Debora Sommer will speak at the seetal chile service on the topic "Curtain up for quiet Christians". You are cordially invited to this inspiring service! About half of all people are introverts. Yet personality traits of extroverts are often portrayed as more positive - also and especially in the Christian context. As...

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Talk service and baptism

"Being a Christian is trusting that God can make something out of me that delights others." Werner Messmer not only spoke such sentences, but also radiated them. Very impressive how freely and convincingly he lives the faith in Jesus Christ in his life - be it in the family or in public office! After the service...

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Jesus in focus

The numbers confirm what we have felt in the leadership team: For the first time in the last twelve years, worship attendance did not increase last year. Stagnation. That is not bad at all. And some people are happy when they can still keep track to some extent. But since we have committed ourselves to a great mission, we may...

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Let's get to know each other!

The Get-to-know-you morning on 11 January at 9:00 a.m. is an event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this is to provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event is to help them find their way better into the community. In order for this to happen,...

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Talk with Werner Messmer

The service on 1 September will be a seetal chile Talk with Werner Messmer. You are cordially invited to this service. The design and content of this event are especially suitable for "untrained churchgoers". Werner Messmer was in the limelight for many years as an entrepreneur, politician and president of the Swiss Association of Master Builders. In a conversation,...

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We are there for each other

In the Odyssey saga by the Greek writer Homer, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and at the same time educator, teacher and advisor to Telemach, Odysseus' son. While his father went to war against Troy and had to endure many dangerous adventures on his voyages across the seas, Mentor took care of Telemach, his son. Even though the Trojan...

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Let's get to know each other!

The get-to-know-you evening on 14 June at 20:00 is an information event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this is to provide a basis for a good decision, and for people who have already decided to join seetal chile, the event is to help them find their way better into the community. In order for this to happen, the...

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A thank you to the generations

For the last time I had the privilege of being present at the Teens Blessing with the "hat" of a father. I was enormously pleased with how fittingly, sensitively and at what a high level the individual programme points were designed. An inviting and well-delivered moderation, a well-staged play leading to the theme, a well-founded sermon suitable for everyday life....

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Life counselling, pastoral care, coaching...

There is a lot of pastoral care, life counselling and coaching going on in seetal chile and this is exactly the topic we would like to discuss on 20 June 2019, 8.00 pm, in the youth centre. Do you already accompany and advise people, would you like to do this in the future or are you still unsure whether this could be something for you?...

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God makes grow!

Paul explains: "My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it; but it was God - not us - who made it grow" (1 Corinthians 3:6). God makes it grow! We rejoice in the growth He brings about in us and gladly accept the responsibility that comes with it. For example...

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Experience a little piece of heaven

Welcome home! Our theme for the year inspires. Do I define myself as a Christian and a human being by belonging to the family of God or by the rules of the house (commandments and laws)? It is much more inviting and liberating when we see ourselves as a daughter or son in the house of God. This includes unconditional acceptance, a lot of appreciation, great rights and ample joy....

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New small group round

They say, "The bigger a congregation gets, the more important the small groups are." That is probably true. In the small groups people should find a home and grow in their spiritual life. It is our concern that in the small groups people who have not been part of the congregation for long can network with "more experienced" people, grow and...

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Community forum on welcome culture

How can we in seetal chile accompany people from initial contact to good social networking and the associated experience of a healthy sense of home? A small project team consisting of Marianne Günter, Mirjam Sigg and Mats Staehelin has already done some preliminary work. On Tuesday, 26 March 2019 at 8:00 p.m., we want to work together in the context of a...

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"Abentüür Gebät"

Praying together is a joy and has great power. We believe that praying together must be the basis of all our work in seetal chile. That is why we are very happy about every single person who supports us in prayer. Last year, "Abentüür Gebät" was the name of a six-part campaign to which one could register...

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Extros need intros and vice versa!

I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York. In German: Ich bin ein Fremder. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York. This well-known song expresses the feeling of being a stranger. The elder son seems to feel at home in the agricultural business of his...

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A thank you for you!

The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in cooperation or simply in benevolent participation. Many important things happen in secret. At the thanksgiving party on 16 February, we as the church leadership want to make the hidden things visible, thank you warmly and present you with a dinner and a cheerful conversation. Sometimes...

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Welcome home!

That is this year's theme. What is home? Is home simply a country or perhaps even just a house with which we associate sentimental memories? According to Psalm 91:9, the presence of God makes a place a home: "With the LORD I am safe! Yes, with God Most High you have found a home." In this sermon series we will...

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Prayer as an adventure?

Advent, actually adventus Domini (coming of the Lord), refers to the season in which Christianity prepares for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas. I recently noticed that the word Advent, with the three letters u-r-e added, means adventure in German. This is a very meaningful play on words. The theme for 2018 was "Abentüür Gebät". The...

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Alliance events in January 2019

As the relationships with our neighbouring parishes are important to us, we are part of the Evangelical Alliance Unteres Seetal with great conviction. Together with four surrounding regional churches we have planned some events. Wednesday, 16 January 2019 at 20:00 Apéro from 19:30 We meet in the Kirchgemeindehaus Seengen and pray together. We do this on...

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