PRAY19 - that's how it was with us!
God was encountered and experienced in many different ways! Prayer was also rediscovered or deepened. Many testimonies testify to deep encounters with our God! The PRAY19 was for many...
Learn moreReview and Outlook Sisterhood
On Saturday, Sisterhood took part in the Walk for Freedom in Zurich. Together we walked silently through Zurich's city centre for just under an hour in a single file to raise awareness of human trafficking.
Learn moreWith us "gits es Theater"
Since the beginning of September, the seetal chile theatre group has been meeting every week to rehearse a new play. This will consist of three parts and represent a development of the theme "Image of God" ....
Learn moreSoon to end - the Chrischona Holidays
Over the last few days, our parishioners have experienced a lot of different things in a relaxed atmosphere, whether it was a city trip to Venice, beach holidays or a bike tour to a beautiful lighthouse....
Learn moreglow Fresh goes to Alpamare
On 09 November 2019, it's finally time again: we're going to Alpamare! We cordially invite all teenagers and young people from Year 7 onwards to this legendary event....
Learn moreSoon it will start...
The luggage is ready, the anticipation is great and the excitement is mounting: The Chrischona holidays are coming up! Tomorrow, around 50 of our parishioners, including our pastor Matthias Altwegg, will be travelling to the seaside...
Learn moreMarcel Hager as guest
Since this summer, glow Next has been exploring the topic of sexuality and our calling as men and women of God under the motto "riif?!". On this occasion we are visited by...
Learn moreWalk for Freedom!
In August, we women enjoyed a wonderful morning with a clothes swap, brunch and good conversation. In addition, the proceeds from the clothes swap were donated to a project in Moldova. Now the...
Learn moreWhat is healthy grows all by itself
Recently, I have been confronted several times with the question of whether the seetal chile really needs to continue to grow. After I was informed in August about the "mission order" from...
Learn moreFlea market - we are happy!
Last Saturday, the weather was beautiful and the seetal chile was buzzing with activity - it was flea market time! Already early in the morning some of the more than 40...
Learn moreListen live about persecuted Christians!
The number of Christians in India is growing, and at the same time their persecution is intensifying. There are brutal attacks on pastors and church members, sexual harassment and false accusations. Chhaya* is...
Learn moreLots of great stuff
Since Monday, various people from our church have been donating items for the flea market next Saturday. We are overwhelmed by the great things we are receiving! From bicycles to children's toys...
Learn moreWelcome to info egge
Since last Sunday, we have a new place where visitors are greeted with a friendly smile. The members of the welcome team are there to help anyone who...
Learn moreglow in the mountains
We set off at seven in the morning! We met as glow Youth and glow Next for the glow mountain day. The destination: still unclear - unfortunately, the Tierbergli hut was already...
Learn moreChanging the world introvertedly
On 22 September at 10:00 a.m., Dr Debora Sommer will speak in the seetal chile service on the topic "Curtain up for quiet Christians". You are cordially invited to this inspiring service...
Learn moreTalk service and baptism
"Being a Christian is trusting that God can make something of me that pleases others." Werner Messmer not only spoke such sentences, but also radiated them. It was very impressive how freely...
Learn moreJesus in focus
The figures confirm what we felt in the management team: For the first time in the last twelve years, the number of people attending church services did not increase last year. Stagnation. That is not at all...
Learn moreIn beautiful Thurgau
We travelled to beautiful Thurgau yesterday with a great group of senior citizens - and younger ones too 🙂 . To Weinfelden to be more precise. Our first stop was the...
Learn moreThe first steps
Various teams from seetal chile gathered at the youth centre on Thursday. It was an exciting evening on which we started the pilot project "Functional Unit Sunday" together. The following teams are...
Learn moreGlue glue glue...
Today, hard-working helpers have repainted all our signage in many places in the centre and the youth centre. We like it at first sight and we think it...
Learn moreTogether in the mountains!
Is there anything better than a day in the mountains? Probably only one thing: a day in the mountains together! That's why we're going as glow Youth and glow Next this autumn...
Learn moreLet's get to know each other!
The "get-to-know-you" morning on 11 January at 9:00 a.m. is an event designed to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for a good decision...
Learn morePRAY19
Switzerland prays for a whole year - without a break! This is Pray19 and we are joining this prayer movement as seetal chile! From 14 to 17 October 2019, our prayer room invites...
Learn moreFlea market in Seon
We cordially invite everyone from the village and the region to visit our flea market. This will take place on Saturday 21 September 2019, from 11.00 to 17.00, at our...
Learn moreRegio Worship Evening
Together with other Chrischona congregations from the region, we are celebrating a big worship service on Friday 30 August. The Lenzchile in Reinach invites you from 8.00 pm. Why don't you save this date...
Learn moreTalk with Werner Messmer
The service on 1 September will be a seetal chile Talk with Werner Messmer. You are cordially invited to this service. The organisation and content of this event are...
Learn moreYour idea is needed
Even during the summer holidays, the "welcoming culture" project continues to run at full speed in the background. On the evening of the community forum, we heard the idea of a platform à la several times.
Learn moreSisterhood invites...
...for a brunch with clothes swap on 17 August 2019 at 9.00 am at our seetal chile. Who doesn't have a pile of clothes in their wardrobe that...
Learn moreHow was it?
Happy - and a little tired - the children got out of the car last Saturday. Together we experienced an exciting week of camp in Gais. Every day the children...
Learn moreglow Camp live
Off to Gais! On Saturday morning, 48 brave kids and their leaders travelled to the beautiful Appenzellerland. Once we arrived at our destination, we explored the area after a well-earned lunch, built a field standard and...
Learn moreWho helps us to find inner peace?
Yesterday, in keeping with the hot summer temperatures, we celebrated a somewhat different 7pm service. After a lovely time of worship, Luca Staehelin took us on a perfect preparation for a relaxed holiday season....
Learn moreWe are there for each other
In the Odyssey saga by the Greek writer Homer, Mentor was a friend of Odysseus and at the same time educator, teacher and counsellor to Telemachus, Odysseus' son. While his father went to war against...
Learn moreWhat a festival!
Last Saturday, we came together as a whole glow and celebrated the glow Fäscht. From kindergarteners to students, we shared experiences, got to know each other better and experienced very impressively that...
Learn moreNew! New! New!
We have been travelling with the name seetal chile and the corresponding corporate design for twelve years. In our day-to-day work with the logo and typeface, it became increasingly clear that it...
Learn moreWhat happens in the Aabach?
In the Gospels, John the Baptist calls people to repentance and baptises those who want to give themselves to God anew and wait for the Saviour. Jesus himself is also...
Learn moreI wonder what it will be.
This week, two hard-working helpers from the "Welcome Culture" project group were painting in our seetal chile classroom. Two wooden panels were painted with blackboard paint - I wonder what they will be used for?
Learn moreHappy old age - illusion or reality?
This is the topic of the next senior citizens' afternoon at seetal chile. Erich Hunziker has been a contented AHV teenager since 2016 and will be giving practical tips for...
Learn moreSummertime is reading time
"Reading is to the mind what gymnastics is to the body" - and we want to stay fit! That's why we've added new stories, novels, thrillers, adventure stories and books for young people to our...
Learn moreIt's going to be "es Fäscht!"
glow KiGo, glow Ameilsi, glow Kids, glow Youth and glow Next - all areas in our church that many children and young people attend. And that needs to be celebrated! On 22....
Learn moreA coffee or a cappuccino?
Every Tuesday from 9.00 a.m. we invite you to "Zieschtigs-Kafi" in the seetal chile. There are always delicious home-baked snacks on the table to accompany a good cup of coffee....
Learn moreDo you like taking pictures?
We can tell stories through images that we cannot describe with words. That's why we at seetal chile want to communicate more with images in the future. To this end, we are building...
Learn moreA successful evening
Around 50 women of different ages met a week ago for the Sisterhood event and enjoyed the variety of countless international dishes and especially the fellowship with the many unique, valuable visitors. From...
Learn more"We wish...
...a happy and blessed Ascension tomorrow!" We were out and about in the village of Seon today with this greeting. It was raining cats and dogs, but that didn't stop us from...
Learn moreLet's get to know each other!
The introductory evening on 14 June at 20:00 is an information event that is intended to fulfil two tasks: For people who are still undecided, this should provide a basis for making a good decision and...
Learn moreA thank you to the generations
For the last time, I had the privilege of attending the teens' blessing wearing the "hat" of a father. I was delighted to see how appropriately, sensitively and in what a...
Learn moreGlow into the future
Last Saturday, Jonas and I met with all the glow team leaders. Together we considered how we want to develop glow further. After an introduction from Jonas, I explained why...
Learn moreWe feel the heartbeat of the region
Around once a month, our pastor Matthias Altwegg meets with pastors from other Chrischona churches for an exchange. This time we visited the Lenzchile in Reinach....
Learn moreAction in the sandstone cave
Last Saturday, the glow Ameisli and glow Kids had an action-packed afternoon in the sandstone cave in Gränichen. This time they played the robbers from the story of Tom and were allowed to...
Learn moreEGW management visits us
An article in the idea Spektrum about our congregation prompted the management of the Evangelisches Gemeinschaftswerk EGW to pay us a visit at seetal chile today. With much interest...
Learn moreYou my soul, sing
Once a month, our pastor Matthias Altwegg holds a prayer service in the Unteres Seetal retirement and nursing home. Today, around 20 senior citizens attended and listened to his words about the living...
Learn moreLife counselling, pastoral care, coaching...
We do a lot of pastoral care, life counselling and coaching at seetal chile and this is exactly the topic we would like to discuss on 20 June 2019 at 8 p.m. in the youth centre....
Learn moreYou are unique!
On this topic, Sisterhood invites you to an evening full of culinary diversity on Friday, 24 May. After a short input, we can enjoy a feast in a cosy atmosphere. In addition...
Learn moreRed, yellow, green or blue?
What are my expectations of teamwork? How do I come across to others? Where can the others complement me and where can I be a complement myself? These and other questions...
Learn moreHere we go...
At the last community forum, we focussed on finding out in which areas we can improve our welcoming culture. Colourful post-its were stuck on the walls and windows and lively discussions took place.
Learn moreLet's glow!
When asked if I've had a good start in my new job here at seetal chile, I've always been able to happily answer with a "Yes, it feels like...
Learn moreHope in the midst of life
This was the motto of this year's Seniors' Day at St Chrischona - and we attended it with some of our seniors. In the morning, the "Chrischona-Berg" welcomed us in the most beautiful sunshine for some fine...
Learn moreUnder God's protection
Yesterday we were able to bless eleven of our teens in the church service with over 300 people in attendance - what a privilege! Many family members were there and celebrated with the young people...
Learn moreA powerful evening
NEW WINE? - This was the theme of glow Next last Friday evening. Over 20 young men and women enjoyed a great time of worship together, eating delicious hot dogs and...
Learn moreWhere does the music come from?
That's what the team of employees asked themselves yesterday afternoon when the beautiful sounds of a choir reached their offices. The Nostalgiechörli Brittnau was visiting on the occasion of the senior citizens' afternoon. They sang, played...
Learn more"Es Abentüür"
Around 50 people experienced another great evening of "Abentüür Gebät" in the youth centre yesterday. Whether out loud or in silence, everyone was able to come before God as they felt like...
Learn moreOver far too quickly...
During the Teens Event, which took place at the same time as the holiday fun, we stayed in seetal chile with five leaders and 25 teenagers. The teenagers took part in the holiday fun as leaders, and had the opportunity to...
Learn moreWhat a week!
With around 150 kids and teens, the holiday fun and teens event took place at seetal chile last week. Under the motto "Joseph in the shadow of the pyramids", the...
Learn moreglow Camp 2019
We bring the Romans to life! And in the beautiful "Roman Empire" in Gais in the canton of Appenzell. During the camp week from 6 to 13 July 2019, we will be fighting adventurous battles...
Learn moreWhat use is a talisman to me?
Last Saturday the children from glow Ameisli and glow Kids romped around in the Seoner forest. Like Tom from the book "Not like robbers", some of the children were given a talisman, which...
Learn moreThe journey will soon come to an end
On Thursday it's "Welcome home" again for our travellers. Their almost two weeks in Israel are coming to an end. With a rucksack full of impressive experiences and stories, our travellers will return...
Learn moreNew in glow Next
Tomorrow, Friday 12 April, the glow Next starts with the new topic ?NEW WINE? There are many parables about wine and vines in the Bible. The programme wants to...
Learn moreShut the ...
... 2nd, 3rd or maybe even 4th was the name of the game last Saturday during the filming of the teaser for the glow camp. A few strong Romans marched by the indoor riding arena in...
Learn moreEvery year again
On the last weekend in March, the staff team and the church leadership climbed the beautiful Chrischona mountain -> the annual Chrischona conference took place. We experienced a day of exciting input on how we can share the gospel with...
Learn moreInsight into Streetchurch
Last week, I visited Streetchurch in Zurich with Mirjam and Roger Sigg. We asked Managing Director Philipp Nussbaumer a lot of questions about agile leadership. Why...
Learn moreThe decoration team invites you to the table
How do we design the decorations in relation to the new lighting concept? What colours should be used with a black background? What specific significance should the decoration have? These and many other questions...
Learn moreGod makes grow!
Paul explains: "My task was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it; but it was God - not us - who made it grow"...
Learn moreNew record!
The weather was perfect, the atmosphere exuberant and the commitment huge. So huge that we finished this year's cleaning morning faster than ever before ;). A big thank you to...
Learn moreThe starting signal has been given
What is agile leadership? What does business have to say about it? And above all, what does this style of leadership have to do with our church? We asked ourselves these and many other questions...
Learn moreWhat are the Sisterhood women doing in the Schlatt forest?
The Sisterhood team has launched a great new project for women called "Move and Pray"! In nature, in the Schlatt forest, we will share our prayer intentions on a weekly basis and then spend time with...
Learn moreSisterhood refreshes her prayer life
At our second Sisterhood evening on 8 March 2019, we transformed the youth centre into a cinema and watched the film "War Room" together. Even if not everyone is cleaning out their wardrobe now...
Learn moreAttention: Freshly painted!
As glow Next, we took on the glow lounge in the Jungedhaus last Saturday - a lot of thinking, testing, sawing, taping, sanding and painting went into it. The result is impressive:...
Learn moreglow Next: Let's Go Karting
As the glow Next community, we also want to spend time together outside of the usual glow Lounge community. That's why we're going to the go-kart track in Rheinfelden (D) this time. There it will be...
Learn moreWe stand up for persecuted Christians in India!
Did you know that over 63 million Christians live in India, the vast majority of whom are facing increasing persecution? In 2014, India still ranked 28th in the World Persecution Index. In...
Learn moreSpring Fever in the seetal chile
We have already been able to enjoy many beautiful sunny days and recharge our batteries for this year's cleaning morning. As in previous years, this year's aim is again to promote community in the...
Learn moreExperience a little piece of heaven
Welcome home! Our theme for the year is inspiring. Do I define myself as a Christian and a human being by belonging to the family of God or by the rules of the house (commandments and laws)? Much more inviting and liberating is...
Learn moreSisterhood: Cinema evening "War Room
We are delighted that we got off to a good start with Sisterhood in January, that the women turned up in large numbers and that we were able to spend a good evening together. Now the second one is already...
Learn moreNew small group round
They say: "The bigger a church gets, the more important small groups are." This is probably true. People should find a home in the small groups and be supported in their spiritual life.
Learn moreParadise has fallen
Young people celebrating together. Doing sport. Listening to exciting inputs. Campfire. Enjoying delicious food from the barbecue. Sleeping little. Fun games. Concerts. Great fellowship with deep conversations. Chilling out, camping and much more....
Learn moreMänner Event in the tunnel
On Friday, 15 March 2019, we will visit the SBB Eppenberg Tunnel, which is currently under construction, as a group of men. Thomas Leisinger is heavily involved in this project and we will be able to enjoy...
Learn moreCommunity forum on welcome culture
How can we at seetal chile accompany people from initial contact to good social networking and the associated experience of a healthy sense of home? A small project team, consisting of Marianne...
Learn more"Abentüür Gebät"
Praying together is a joy and has great power. We believe that praying together must be the basis of all our work in seetal chile. That is why we are very happy...
Learn moreHoliday fun 2019 "In the shadow of the pyramids
We are travelling back in time to ancient Egypt for a week. This year we will try something completely new together and attempt to build a large pyramid like the ancient Egyptians.
Learn moreGood, better, ... Teens Event!
Yay, it's almost time for another round. If you too would like to experience a week full of action, excitement, fun and great company, you can...
Learn moreTheatre group: Into the next round!
The theatre workshop offered last year met with a positive response. The participants received new impulses and were stimulated in their imagination and enjoyment of theatre. How...
Learn moreNot like Räuber's
This is the new semester theme for glow Ameisli and glow Kids. A place to let off steam, play, have fun and, above all, a place to make new friends. On this...
Learn moreLet's glow!
The dream of glow is children, teenagers and young adults who glow with joy and shine in this world. Glowers should have a life with radiance, no matter...
Learn moreExtros need intros and vice versa!
I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New York. In German: I'm an alien. I'm a legal alien. I'm an Englishman in New...
Learn moreA thank you for you!
The seetal chile lives from your commitment - be it in prayer, in financing, in cooperation or simply in your benevolent participation. A lot of important things happen behind the scenes. At the thank-you party...
Learn moreWinter camp with village character
Shortly before the end of the year, we travelled to Lenzerheide as a group with more than 50 participants from our youth work glow Youth and glow Next. The theme of the camp was "The Village"....
Learn moreWelcome home!
That is this year's theme. What is home? Is home simply a country or perhaps even just a house with which we associate sentimental memories? According to Psalm 91:9, the...
Learn moreWe put everything in the right light!
To kick off the new year with the first church service, we are launching a new stage design. We are busy working, setting up and optimising so that our stage will soon appear in a new guise -...
Learn moreSisterhood "by women for women
"By women for women" is the motto of Sisterhood. Together, we want to move forward as women, discover our God-created identity, encourage and strengthen each other, cultivate friendships, unite in a common endeavour and...
Learn morePrayer as an adventure?
Advent, actually adventus Domini (arrival of the Lord), refers to the season in which Christianity prepares for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, Christmas. I recently realised that the...
Learn moreWe celebrate Christmas
Peace on earth and kindness among men. (Luke 2:14) Last Sunday we celebrated an exciting and varied Christmas party on the theme of "Peace on Earth" with around 370 people. The...
Learn more