Posts by Melanie Meier
Christmas Eve in the seetal chile
You are cordially invited to celebrate Christmas with us on 24 December! The evening starts with an aperitif from 18:00. Afterwards we will enjoy a Christmas dinner with music and games. We will end our festivities at around 9.00 p.m. You are welcome to bring yourself, your loved ones and the joy of an evening together. Registration until 17 December...
Read MoreChristmas Eve in the seetal chile
We from the social association Lichtblick cordially invite you to the Christmas evening on 24 December in the seetal chile! The evening will start with an aperitif from 18:00. Afterwards we will enjoy a Christmas dinner with music and games. We will end our celebration at around 9 p.m. You can bring yourself, your loved ones and enjoy an evening together. Registration...
Read MoreThursday meeting with clothes room
Every Thursday evening from 18:30 to 20:30 we open our church for refugees from Ukraine and all those who would like some company. With this evening we want to give all migrants/refugees a place where they can meet and exchange with their compatriots. We, as organisers, remain in the background and are there for any questions....
Read MorePorn-free - a fulfilled life without pornography
Man*, are you burdened by your pornography use? You are destined for freedom from this addiction - there is hope! However, because quitting without help does not work in many cases, seetal chile offers those affected the opportunity to become part of a quitting group and to walk the path to freedom together with other men. In regular...
Read MoreAdvent window Seon - we are part of it!
During Advent, 24 places in Seon shine in bright light. Windows are decorated with much love. Every evening between 5pm and 10pm, these creative works shine from the various houses and bring light into the cold season. This year we will also take part in this contemplative Advent window action. On 12 December, we will start decorating...
Read MoreChristmas Eve in the seetal chile
Would you like to celebrate Christmas with other people in a cosy community instead of staying at home alone or "alone as a couple/as a family"? Then you are cordially invited by our social association Lichtblick to join us on 24 December for Christmas Eve, starting at 5:30 pm, at seetal chile. The community should be the focus of this evening, so that...
Read MoreInvitation to the seetal chile Talk
"What I advise you now is more important than anything else: Watch your thoughts, for they will decide your life!" Proverbs 4:23 Toxic thoughts, who doesn't know them? There are millions of people who struggle with an unconscious, destructive thought life and think there is no way out. Barbara Benz has a way...
Read MoreHow was the flea market?
Last Saturday we held our 2nd flea market in beautiful sunshine. Flea market event is probably the better term by now, because it was much more than "just" a flea market ? After strolling through the various flea market stalls and stocking up on children's items, technology, pictures and other things, there was a lot to look forward to. For example, you could...
Read MoreDonations for the flea market
Would you like to support our flea market with a donation? Then we would be delighted if you would come and bring us things that you no longer need during the week from Monday 30 August to Thursday 2 September. We will be behind the seetal chile from 15:00 to 18:00. At our 1....
Read MoreFlea market in Seon
Two years ago we started the flea market at seetal chile and were overwhelmed by what a beautiful day it was. Last year the event didn't take place because of Corona, so we are even more excited to invite you for this year! The event will take place on Saturday 04 September from 10:00...
Read MoreWhat does our social association Lichtblick do?
Do you already know our social association Lichtblick? We have been around for 11 years. We were born out of the desire to help people in emergency situations quickly and without complications. And we are not running out of work! Again and again, people come to us who are unsuccessfully looking for work, have financial difficulties or addiction problems, or are looking for a place to live. With...
Read MoreOur services
We are very pleased that the Federation has announced further opening steps and that we can thus adapt our services. What is current? We are very happy to be able to worship with you under these conditions. If there are any changes to the current situation, we will inform you as soon as possible. Be blessed and stay healthy!
Read MoreOur services
Regarding the Corona regulations, we are currently waiting for the regulations of the Free Churches Association. We will inform you here in due time what this means for our Sunday services. Every Sunday we celebrate with up to a hundred people at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. in our church at seetal chile. Here you can get an overview of the...
Read MoreInvitation to the "Salt and Light in Everyday Life" Evening
Again we want to share and hear from each other what we experience as salt and light in our daily lives. This will be on Monday 7 June at 20:00. You are cordially invited, even if it will be the first time for you. We organise each event in such a way that it is always possible for you to join us. To...
Read MoreFood for you
Unfortunately, we are currently unable to hold the food distribution. We will inform you as soon as the situation has changed. Thank you for your understanding. Every day, huge amounts of food that are still in tiptop condition end up in the waste. With "Food for You" we want to do something about it. Therefore, since 6 May 2021, you can buy food every Thursday at our...
Read MoreGerman course for migrants
Our German course will take place again every Thursday afternoon from 14:45 to 16:30 (except during school holidays). This course is supported by the political municipality of Seon. The aim of this course is that the participants learn to communicate in the German language, discuss grammar and that we give them a place where they can meet and talk....
Read MoreTri for God - my Challenge for Compassion
Report by Daniel Rubsch-King The aim of this project is to raise funds for 73 needy young people in Rwanda to start and complete vocational training that will provide them with the essential skills and knowledge needed for future meaningful employment. The amount needed to enable a young person to complete this 12-month training...
Read MoreOur services
Every Sunday we celebrate worship at 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. at seetal chile. Here you can get an overview of what Sunday mornings look like: From 08:45: Prayer for all in the lounge of the youth centre. You are welcome to join us there until shortly before the service to discuss the service and topics...
Read MoreHappy cleaning of our church
This year we will be holding the annual cleaning day on 24 April from 08:00 to 17:00. It would be great if you could join us. You can help out all morning or, as a novelty this year, in the afternoon or just for a few hours. We would be grateful if you would sign up so that we can better allocate the jobs....
Read MoreSalt and light in everyday life, 2nd evening
On 19 April at 20:00 we will meet again for the evening "Salt and Light in Everyday Life". You are cordially invited, even if it is your first time. We organise every event in such a way that it is always possible for you to join us. You can find out exactly what the evening will be about....
Read MoreMini story with depression
Corona has laid a foundation for us to talk a little more openly about mental illness. Nevertheless, there is still a big taboo in this area, the number of unreported cases is estimated to be very high. Even before Corona, the most common mental illness was depression. In the current situation, the number of people suffering from depression in Switzerland has even...
Read MoreSalt and light in everyday life
If you would like to share your experiences as salt and light and/or be inspired by others, "Salt and Light in Everyday Life" on 15 March at 20:00 is the place for you. What is it about? We want to turn the words in our current teaser on the annual theme of metamorphosis into reality with you. We want to learn...
Read MoreWe look forward to two services
In order to enable more people to attend our services, we have decided to offer one service each on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:00 from 14 February 2021. We are already looking forward to the possibility of two services and hope for many visitors. Many thanks to all the staff who have worked for the benefit of this offer,...
Read MoreCordial invitation to the Alliance Service
We cordially invite you to the Alliance Service on 17 January 2021 at 10:00 a.m. in the Reformed Church in Seon with a sermon by Pastor Jan Niemeier. Even "the smallest visitors" are welcome, there is a children's offer from baby age. In the Seon Reformed Church, the Kirchgemeindehaus is also available for the service -...
Read MoreInformation on the current situation
As of 25 February 2021 The exceptional permit for religious events continues to apply. We are extremely grateful for this decision and consider it a huge privilege, which we would like to treat respectfully. Below you will see in italics what will change in our daily church life from 01 March 2021. Design of the services We are looking forward to continuing to...
Read MoreChristmas Eve of the seetal chile
Our Christmas evening will take place in compliance with all safety measures! We are looking forward to seeing you. Would you like to celebrate Christmas with other people in a cosy community instead of staying at home alone or "as a couple/as a family alone"? Then we cordially invite you to join us on 24 December for Christmas Eve, starting at 5:30 pm, at seetal chile....
Read MoreChristmas Party of the seetal chile
On 20 December, we will celebrate a big Christmas together. Under the theme "Herod - a king like you and me?!" we invite all generations to celebrate the birth of our saviour with us - this time, however, not in the centre of seetal chile, but in the houses. M. v.S. has written two theatres which he...
Read MoreOnline get-to-know-you morning
The next get-to-know-you morning will take place on 23 January 2021 at 9:00 a.m. for current reasons online via a Zoom Meeting. We believe that a positive and unobtrusive contact can also be made in this way. Time and again, interested people drop in on us or follow what is happening on the livestream. It is precisely for such people that this event is...
Read MoreChildren's worship in the current time
It is very important to us that the children can continue to attend the children's service. This is also the case if you as a parent do not take part in our local service. Therefore we have adapted the Kigo as follows: From 09:30 the Kigo leaders are already on site to receive the children. This gives you the opportunity to...
Read MoreSalt and Light in November
The year 2020 and thus also our annual theme "I will bless you and you shall be a blessing" are slowly coming to an end. But our blessing should continue to be carried into the world. We would like to do this especially in the current Corona time throughout November and then share our blessings with each other during Advent....
Read Moreseetal chile Talk with Nathalie Schertenleib
On Sunday 8 November, we invite you, your family, friends and acquaintances to our talk with Nathalie Schertenleib. Nathalie was a top athlete in the 1,500 and 5,000 metre races. She was part of the Swiss national athletics squad until a burnout and depression threw her off track. In an interview, she gives us an insight into her athletic rise and how...
Read MoreInvitation to the tsc Network Conference
With the title "Unleashed Community" we are invited to the tsc network conference in November. This was originally planned at St. Chrischona in Basel. However, due to the current Corona situation, it has been changed to an online conference. We would like to take this opportunity to be there with you, because we believe that the theme of the conference is important for us as...
Read MoreRegio (Sofa) Worship Evening
We are making up for what we missed on the day of the Lockdown, 13 March 2020! Together with our surrounding Chrischona churches - Lenzchile, Lenzokirche, Fabrik Chile and Chrischona Gränichen - we invite you to our joint worship evening on Friday, 20 November 2020, from 20:00 to 21:15. The theme is...
Read MoreSmall annual cleaning
Unfortunately, we do not have a clear view everywhere at the moment. However, we want to remedy this on Saturday 29 August from 08.00 to approx. 11.00 hrs. The windows in the Youth House and the Centre have not been cleaned this year due to Corona. In order to have a clear view again, we will organise a window and "This...
Read MoreCourse "Living in Freedom
The goal of a life with Jesus is not only to go to heaven. No, heaven is to come into the world through Christians. The life of Jesus is to become greater and greater in us and have more influence. His love, his peace, his supernatural power, his wisdom, his hope... are to come into play in our lives....
Read MoreBaptism in open water
On 30 August we may again celebrate a baptism after the service. Four people from our church have already registered that they would like to express their connection with Jesus on this day! If you would also like to take advantage of this opportunity, you can register using the form below. We are happy about every...
Read MoreThis is how we currently celebrate worship
Version of 10 September 2020 We are very pleased to be able to continue to celebrate services on site. In accordance with the orders of the FOPH, we have drawn up a protection concept which we will adhere to during our services. Since not all of our visitors can come back, we have set up a livestream, which you can join punctually at...
Read MoreChildren's theatre with "The Wicked 4
Dear little, big and adult children ?. Tonight at 6:00 p.m. we start our Kidstheater! Be there when Tinutus, Krassus, Helena and Julius set off to follow Jesus as disciples. On this journey they experience many exciting, funny and adventurous things. And that's what you can do for this week...
Read MoreOur help "mitenand fürenand" (together for each other)
Our daily lives have changed greatly due to the coronavirus and perhaps you too are now in need of help. Do you belong to the risk group or are you busy because of the virus? We are happy to help you. Do you need someone to do the shopping for you, get medicines or do any other activity in public? Are you looking for a...
Read MoreWe go online
Last Sunday we experienced a novelty - we celebrated worship together via video streaming! Our joy at such great participation and all the positive feedback was huge. You have all spurred us on to inspire you with even more creative videos. Our youth pastor Luca Staehelin and a few hard-working helpers are currently transforming our...
Read MoreAbundance of pictorial beauty
Last Saturday our decoration team had a creative workshop which resulted in a beautiful new decoration for our church. The team wrote the following words about it: Creativity is never about value for money. Maybe that is why it is such an intense experience, because we humans are the result of creativity. When we create something new, we feel a...
Read MoreOne time high gloss ?
Every year, it's time for a big cleaning at seetal chile - we have our joint cleaning morning. As in previous years, this year too the focus will be on the community - so if cleaning is not one of your favourite tasks, we would still be happy to have your helping hand? On Saturday...
Read MoreWhen falling makes you afraid
This was the topic of our senior citizens' afternoon last week. About 40 seniors listened eagerly to the words of our speaker Erich Weidmann. As a Kinaesthetics trainer, he deals intensively with the topic of "falling" and told many interesting things about it. With practical exercises, he gave the seniors tips on how to improve their...
Read MoreThe theatre approaches
Our theatre group has been busy rehearsing for several months. Their play entitled "Muetig vorah..." is taking more and more shape. With this dialect play, the group humorously takes us on a journey full of experiences of life and God. Each act opens a window into a different time and is thus an expression of experiences in very different...
Read MoreHoliday fun 2020 "Jona
We travel together for a week to Nineveh, where Jonah was given a special task. Unfortunately, Jonah did not want to fulfil this task and was swallowed by a big fish! We will learn how Jonah survived this experience and whether he was still able to fulfil his task. Maybe we will see the big fish together...? In any case...
Read MoreCommunity Weekend 2020
Under the theme "Blessing Hunters", we will travel to Bad Schussenried again this year and become blessing hunters who leave their mark of blessing in everyday life. A real blessing hunter was Jacob - a patriarch from the Bible. He quite often sought blessings directly without first listening to God. This brought him a lot of trouble...
Read MoreRegio Worship Evening
Together with the surrounding Chrischona congregations - Lenzchile, Lenzokirche, Fabrik Chile and Chrischona Gränichen - we invite you to our joint worship evening on Friday, 13 March 2020 - Our request because of the corona virus was approved. With different songs we will praise and glorify our great God. There is also the possibility that people...
Read MoreNow he wants to become a pastor!
Angsar Gmür was director of the homeowners' association, tenor, ventriloquist and tough businessman. Now he wants to become a pastor. Gmür was born the seventh of eight children into a mountain farming family in Amden. His mother died when he was eleven. He had to work hard under his strict father and had only a pair of shoes with holes in them. Even at 27, he was...
Read MoreAnother step towards agility
In the last few months, various meetings have taken place regarding our new organisational structure. We have launched a pilot project called "Sunday Function Unit", which includes the following teams: Kigo, Nursery, Welcome, Service Design, Moderator, Sermon, Play, Bistro Host and 19h-GD. All teams have created a description with the aim of recording what they are...
Read MoreA contemplative evening
On 24 December, we celebrated a very nice Christmas at our home in seetal chile. Everyone from our community, the village and the region was invited to celebrate this evening with us in community instead of staying at home alone. We welcomed the people with an aperitif, then sang at the beautifully decorated tables a...
Read MoreWorship in Advent
Our last 19h service on Sunday took place in a slightly different form than usual: We turned the bistro into a living room and celebrated a great evening of worship together. It was unbelievably great how everything shone in the living room look and what a beautiful atmosphere there was. Our 19h band took us for a good hour into a...
Read MoreLaunched: Welcome home for Advent
Since last Sunday 1 December, people from seetal chile have been opening the doors of their homes and inviting others. The invitations are creative; everything from a campfire dinner to coffee and cake in the afternoon to brunch in the morning is offered. I signed up for coffee and cake and was invited along...
Read MoreWe celebrate Christmas
On 24 December, we invite people to Christmas Eve who would otherwise have to celebrate this evening alone or perhaps "as a couple/as a family alone". In addition to a festive meal, we sing Christmas carols together, listen to a Christmas story and play a game in which there are small prizes to be won. The community should be at the centre of this evening....
Read MoreChristmas parcel drive
Every year, tens of thousands of people from Switzerland give needy people in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe a Christmas parcel. For the recipients, this is a great gift that will be remembered for a long time. The recipients are deeply touched by the fact that someone is thinking of them and has put together a parcel with valuable and useful items for them. In the areas in...
Read MoreA meeting for mother and child
Every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month, except during school holidays, we have "Muki-Träff" from 09:00 to 11:00. Our crèche in the centre of the seetal chile is ideal for this. While the children let off steam and play with each other, exciting conversations take place among the mothers. When the weather is nice, we often go outside to...
Read MoreThe market goes online
We have developed a new online platform: Our market! In our weekly mail we have always placed different advertisements: Someone is looking for a job, another is selling his house, looking for a motorbike, a person to do sports with or someone is offering a workshop. All this and much more can now be published in the "Market" itself....
Read MoreWith us "gits es Theater"
Since the beginning of September, the seetal chile theatre group has been meeting every week to rehearse a new play. This will consist of three parts and will depict a development of the theme "Image of God". Week after week, everyone diligently practices the texts and roles, which can be challenging at times, but the joy of "doing theatre" always prevails....
Read MoreSoon to end - the Chrischona Holidays
In a jolly mood, our parishioners experienced a lot of varied things in the last few days; be it a city trip to Venice, beaching on the beach or a bike tour to a beautiful lighthouse. Of course, the fellowship before God is not neglected either: Some of the group are in the core team of the children's service, there are services for adults and...
Read MoreSoon it will start...
The luggage is ready, the anticipation is great and the excitement is rising: The Chrischona holidays are coming! Tomorrow around 50 of our parishioners, including our pastor Matthias Altwegg, will travel to the sea near Bibione, Veneto. For the children's service, the Glowie will also be there, as some of us are part of the core team and will help to organise the service. They are looking forward...
Read MoreFlea market - we are happy!
Last Saturday, the weather was beautiful and the seetal chile was buzzing with activity - it was flea market time! Already early in the morning, some of the more than 40 helpers were at work and set up all the different offers with a lot of verve. When the first visitors arrived, they found a wide variety of stalls with beautiful...
Read MoreListen live about persecuted Christians!
The number of Christians in India is growing, and at the same time their persecution is also coming to a head. There are brutal attacks on pastors and parishioners, sexual harassment and false accusations. Chhaya* is an Indian lawyer and supports victims in her home country who suffer injustice because of their Christian faith. Through legal aid, she advocates for persecuted Christians and...
Read MoreLots of great stuff
Since Monday, all kinds of people from our church have been donating things for the flea market next Saturday. We are overwhelmed by the great things we receive! From bicycles to children's toys to antique crockery, there is everything to buy. We start at 11:00 am. Come by and be a part of our event! Also...
Read MoreWelcome to info egge
Since last Sunday, we have a new place where visitors are greeted with a friendly smile. The staff of the Welcome Team are there for anyone who would like to learn more about the seetal chile or just to talk to someone. So you are very welcome! Come by, be our...
Read MoreIn beautiful Thurgau
With a great group of seniors - and younger ones too 🙂 - we travelled to beautiful Thurgau yesterday. To Weinfelden to be more precise. Our first stop was the Reformed church parish. We enjoyed an exciting lecture by Daniel Bühler, pastor and former stone sculptor, who introduced us to his sculptures. After...
Read MoreThe first steps
Various teams from the seetal chile gathered at the youth centre on Thursday. It was an exciting evening on which we started the pilot project "Sunday Function Unit" together. The following teams belong to this functional unit: crèche, kigo, welcome, moderation, play, sermon, bistro and 19h service. Everything that lives needs a structure - every organism and every organisation. Also...
Read MoreGlue glue glue...
In many places in the centre and the youth centre, hard-working helpers have re-pasted all our signage today. We like it at first sight and think it's great! What do you think...?
Read MorePRAY19
Switzerland prays for a whole year - without a break! That is Pray19. As seetal chile we join this prayer movement! From 14 to 17 October 2019, our prayer room in the Youth House invites you to pray! Everyone is welcome! Undisturbed by everyday life, you can focus on God in the prayer room. An inviting decoration and ideas for the...
Read MoreFlea market in Seon
We cordially invite everyone from the village and the region to visit our flea market. This will take place on Saturday 21 September 2019, from 11.00 to 17.00 h, at the seetal chile. You can expect various flea market stalls, which will be organised and run by us. Even if you are not a lover of flea market items,...
Read MoreRegio Worship Evening
Together with other Chrischona congregations from the region we will celebrate a big worship on Friday 30 August. The Lenzchile in Reinach invites you from 8pm. Put this date in your diary so that you can experience a great evening in God's presence with many others from the seetal chile.
Read MoreYour idea is needed
Even during the summer holidays, the project "Welcome Culture" continues to run at full speed in the background. On the evening of the community forum, we heard several times the idea of a platform à la With the idea that parishioners can network even better this way, our own platform is taking more and more shape. What we are still missing is...
Read MoreWho helps us to find inner peace?
Yesterday, in keeping with the hot summer temperatures, we celebrated a somewhat different 19h service. After a beautiful worship time, Luca Staehelin took us into an optimal preparation for a relaxed holiday time. In his short talk, he told us not to ask HOW we can find inner peace, but WHO can help us to do so.
Read MoreNew! New! New!
For twelve years we have been on the road with the name seetal chile and the associated image. In our daily work with the logo and typeface, it became increasingly clear that we needed to adapt to today's conditions. Thanks to the additional capacity provided by our trainees, we have now been able to address this issue. Yanick Altwegg has worked intensively on...
Read MoreWhat happens in the Aabach?
In the Gospels, John the Baptist calls people to repentance and baptises those who want to give themselves anew to God and wait for the Saviour. Jesus himself is also baptised and receives the assurance of the Father in heaven that he is his beloved, chosen Son. On Sunday we also celebrated baptism! Six...
Read MoreI wonder what it will be.
This week, two hard-working helpers from the project group "Welcome Culture" were painting in seetal chile. Two wooden boards were painted with blackboard paint - I wonder what they will be used for? In the church service after the summer holidays, on 18 August, we will reveal the secret.... 🙂
Read MoreHappy old age - illusion or reality?
This is the topic of the next senior afternoon at seetal chile. Erich Hunziker has been a contented AHV teenager since 2016 and on this day will give practical impulses for life in old age -> so that it brings blessings and does not end in bitterness. Are you about to retire or are you already...
Read MoreSummertime is reading time
"Reading is to the mind what gymnastics is to the body" - and we want to stay fit! That's why we've added new stories, novels, thrillers, adventure stories and young adult books to our seetal chile library. Stop by and grab an exciting book for your relaxing summer time.
Read MoreIt's going to be "es Fäscht!"
glow KiGo, glow Ameilsi, glow Kids, glow Youth and glow Next - all areas in our church which many children and young people attend. And that has to be celebrated! On 22 June 2019, we will transform seetal chile into a big fairground and invite you to play and have fun. Whether it's throwing cans, getting face painted or...
Read MoreA coffee or a cappuccino?
Every Tuesday from 9.00 a.m. we invite you to "Zieschtigs-Kafi" in the seetal chile. With a good cup of coffee, there are always delicious home-baked snacks on the table, which everyone is welcome to help themselves to. The "Zieschtigs-Kafi" is attended by all generations and offers a nice opportunity to meet people from the community or from outside....
Read More"We wish...
...a beautiful and blessed Ascension tomorrow!" With this greeting we were out and about in the village of Seon today. It was raining cats and dogs, but that didn't stop us from giving people a little treat - we gave away over 100 chocolate smileys and were able to put a smile on many people's faces. In this...
Read MoreWe feel the heartbeat of the region
About once a month our pastor Matthias Altwegg meets with pastors from other Chrischona congregations for an exchange. This time we visited the Lenzchile in Reinach. At these meetings we talk about the latest news from the different congregations, discuss theological topics and stand up for each other in prayer. A valuable exchange, so that...
Read MoreAction in the sandstone cave
Last Saturday, the glow Ameisli and glow Kids experienced an action-packed afternoon in the sandstone cave in Gränichen. This time they played the robbers from the story of Tom and were allowed to really let off steam. Raiding ladders, showing courage by abseiling, searching for treasures and all that in a real cave!
Read MoreEGW management visits us
An article in the idea Spektrum about our congregation prompted the management of the Evangelisches Gemeinschaftswerk EGW to visit us today at seetal chile. With a lot of interest in our history, vision and culture, they introduced our pastor Matthias Altwegg, the future youth pastor Luca Staehelin and me as the leader of the whole business area....
Read MoreYou my soul, sing
Once a month, our pastor Matthias Altwegg holds a devotion at the retirement and nursing home Unteres Seetal. Today, about 20 senior citizens were present and listened to the words about the living water - the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well, which invites them to also drink from the living water and to invite Jesus into their...
Read MoreRed, yellow, green or blue?
What are my expectations of teamwork? How do I affect others? Where can the others complement me and where can I myself be a complement? We asked ourselves these and a few more questions as a team of employees in a team coaching session last week. Each of us created a DISG personality profile in advance, which we then discussed....
Read MoreHere we go...
At the last community forum, we worked on finding out in which areas we can improve our welcoming culture. The walls and windows were covered with colourful post-it notes and lively discussions took place. Now it's time for implementation! In this regard, the responsible project group, consisting of Marianne, Mirjam, Mats and Meli, met yesterday for their 1....
Read MoreLet's glow!
When asked if I had a good start in my new job here at seetal chile, I could happily answer "Yes, it feels like I've always been part of the staff team" every time. It's really like that, I felt comfortable here from the first moment and that's not...
Read MoreHope in the midst of life
This was the motto of this year's Seniors' Day at St. Chrischona - and we visited with some of our seniors. In the morning, the "Chrischona Mountain" welcomed us in beautiful sunshine with fine croissants and coffee. Together with about 700 other seniors, we listened intently to a lecture by Dr. Andreas Walker before we were treated to lunch.
Read MoreA powerful evening
??NEW WINE? - This was the theme of glow Next last Friday evening. More than 20 young women and men experienced a great worship time together, ate delicious hotdogs and listened to an exciting talk about "wine in new bottles". Of course, there was also time spent together at the table, playing cards or having lively conversations about God....
Read MoreWhere does the music come from?
That's what the staff team asked themselves yesterday afternoon when the most beautiful sounds of a choir reached their offices. The Nostalgiechörli Brittnau was visiting on the occasion of the senior citizens' afternoon. They sang, played hand and Schwyzerörgeli and offered the approximately 30 seniors a beautiful and hearty afternoon show.
Read More"Es Abentüür"
About 50 people experienced another great evening of "Abentüür Gebät" yesterday in the youth centre. Whether loudly or silently, everyone could come before God as they felt like it. In this way we stood together as a church for a wide variety of concerns - what a beautiful privilege.
Read MoreWhat a week!
Last week, around 150 kids and teens took part in the holiday fun and teens event at seetal chile. Under the motto "Joseph in the shadow of the pyramids", the participants immersed themselves in the time of the Egyptians and experienced great days full of variety. They were able to finish the reconstructed pyramid, participate in various workshops and...
Read MoreWhat use is a talisman to me?
Last Saturday, the children from glow Ameisli and glow Kids romped around in the Seoner forest. Like Tom from the book "Not like robbers", some of the children were given a talisman which was supposed to protect them from the evil hunters. However, they quickly realised that this talisman was not worth much. Again and again they were killed after...
Read MoreThe journey will soon come to an end
On Thursday it's "welcome home" again for our travellers. Their two weeks in Israel are coming to an end. Our parishioners return with a backpack full of impressive experiences and stories. They can tell us exciting stories about the Wailing Wall or about their boat trip on the Sea of Galilee. The best thing to do is just go on...
Read MoreNew in glow Next
Tomorrow, Friday 12 April, the glow Next starts with the new theme ??NEW WINE? In the Bible there are many parables about wine and vines. The glow Next will deal with these until the beginning of July. "What does it mean to be planted with God?" "Why does fresh wine have to go into a new tube? "What makes a...
Read MoreShut the ...
... 2nd, 3rd or maybe even 4th was the name of the game last Saturday during the shooting of the teaser for the glow camp. A few strong Romans marched into the riding hall in Egliswil and fought heated battles in front of their wives - and of course the cameraman :). The scene is in the can and we...
Read MoreEvery year again
On the last weekend in March, the staff team together with the church leadership climbed the beautiful Chrischona Mountain -> the annual Chrischona Conference took place. We experienced a day with exciting inputs on how to communicate the gospel effectively in today's world. Anyone interested in this topic is welcome to contact the seetal chile office for documents :).
Read MoreInsight into Streetchurch
Last week I visited Streetchurch in Zurich with Mirjam and Roger Sigg. We listened to the managing director Philipp Nussbaumer on the subject of agile leadership. Why is that? Streetchurch has been using the agile leadership structure since October 2017 and was therefore able to give us valuable advice and input for our way into an...
Read MoreNew record!
The weather was perfect, the mood exuberant and the commitment huge. So huge that we finished this year's cleaning morning faster than ever before ;). A big thank you to the more than 40 helpers and a special thank you to Silvia Altwegg and Rahel Gloor, who did a great job organising the whole morning.
Read MoreThe starting signal has been given
What is agile leadership? What does the economy say about it? And above all, what does this style of leadership have to do in our church? We asked ourselves these and many other questions on the last course evenings of the Leadership Workshop. We dived into the theory, worked on different topics in groups and exchanged open and critical views....
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